Weeks away from Submitting ... Anyhow, just curious if it's necessary to create a write up explaining what everything is in detail. I.e "this is my boarding pass from the last visit"... "this is a card I sent for 2004 birthday" "these are our emails from 2006" "this is the house we lived in together"......
explaining all the pictures, who, what, when, where.........
and so on..
Is it too much or an absolute must.?
Weeks away from Submitting ... Anyhow, just curious if it's necessary to create a write up explaining what everything is in detail. I.e "this is my boarding pass from the last visit"... "this is a card I sent for 2004 birthday" "these are our emails from 2006" "this is the house we lived in together"......
explaining all the pictures, who, what, when, where.........
and so on..
Is it too much or an absolute must.?