You do have to provide some evidence that you have resided in Canada. Two pieces of evidence. That's all.
By the way:
If IRCC wants more evidence - they will ask for it. So far, from reports here, this doesn't happen all that frequently. A couple pieces of evidence seems to be enough, in almost all cases.
Crucially, I'd add: so far, from reports here, for those who contribute MUCH MORE evidence when applying (mountains, like pages and pages of bank account transactions or similar, in an attempt to show proof that they were in Canada
every day or close to it) - the experience does not seem to be any better, and possibly worse (because IRCC thinks they should check every page and that takes time).
Now some posters are providing a bit more evidence, like an extra tax return or a copy of a lease or something. Sure. Providing three pieces of evidence is not likely to cause much of a problem. If you think it's important, fine - even though it's probably unnecessary, at least it's not backing up the truck and dumping all your docs.
For those worried, the single biggest important factor, hands down, in causing delays in the PR card renewal is
not being in compliance with the RO. That's what they're looking for. That's the biggest clear issue.
After that - probably just those applications where there were mistakes in the application, including those with problems/serious mistakes in the physical presence reporting.
Be in compliance, check your application carefully, and provide some decent basic evidence of being in Canada (some of the time), and probably there won't be any problems.