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Enterning Canada for second time as Visitor


Oct 10, 2009

My fiance is Korean. She had a 1yr student visa here and it just expired. She went back to Korea about two days ago.

I know that South Korea and Canada are in good relations and don't require visa to enter the country, however i had a couple questions:

We were planning to reunite again in December, from my understanding she could just buy the flight ticket in Korea and arrive to Canada. Our concern is whether she will have any problems at the immigrations at the airport after landing in Canada? Is there a chance they could deny her visit?

If the above is a risk to take, we are planning to then get Married in Korea. But even then, will she have trouble with the immigrations at the airport?

Thanks so much for any feedback!


Full Member
Nov 16, 2009
Hi, not sure if youve gotten answers yet but this is what i know.
your fiance should not have a problem getting into canada to visit... i suggest you marry when she is here for holidays.
she can stay here and apply for residency, she need not leave canada again.

i dont suggest you go to korea too get married, it may take longer because once she is married to you and out of the country, like i was it takes about a year for all the paperwork to go through. we did use a lawyer, very expensive... but learnt a lot and i should never have gone back to my country of origin.

good luck