Let me apologize in advance for making this thread - I know the information is somewhere on the CIC website, because I'm sure I read it before. But I've been looking and looking and for the life of me I cannot find instructions on what I do with the eight visa-like photos of my husband. The photos themselves have already been taken with the proper specifications, and I'm actually ready to mail my application tomorrow - I just cannot find out what to do with them! You're supposed to put them in envelope and staple them (taking not to staple the photos themselves) or some such - I'm sure I read it somewhere. I'll keep looking for the info, but frankly it might be *faster* to just ask online! 
If anyone has a link to the part of the website that gives instructions on this, please provide it - and sorry if I'm simply not seeing something that's right in front of my face.
If anyone has a link to the part of the website that gives instructions on this, please provide it - and sorry if I'm simply not seeing something that's right in front of my face.