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Effective date of Bill C24


Champion Member
Jul 14, 2014
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neutral said:
Who told you that Harper knows the date?
Don't ask me.
Ask the people who are trying to make drama scenarios here.

Absolutely unfounded Paranoia about the very evil government who will implement changes any moment and so on...

I think this is good story for a hollywood drama and horror movie.

Need Canadian Pr

Hero Member
Jan 25, 2015
In Australia before PR time is counted
In UK before ILR time is counted
In Newzeland before PR time is counted


Why in Canada before time would be not counted to citizenship

I stayed more than two years as a working visa

Now I am listing I must have to stay 4 more years after PR for citizenship application

Why is like this what is the reason behind ?????


Champion Member
Jul 14, 2014
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dpenabill said:

There is no news or recent event which warrants giving false hope to those who will not be eligible before August.

There is no news or recent events which would warrant those on-the-cusp to delay preparing to make their application soon, as soon as practical and they are qualified, in anticipation that there is no rush IF their priority is to apply soon, soon enough to beat the cut-off.

We know no more today than we knew a month or more ago: this is coming, coming soon, most likely date is still (as it has been for a long time) in June or July, most likely on or before August 1st at the latest, but it could also be any day now, any day!

For those on-the-cusp between now and through July, if they are anxious to get their applications made before the change takes effect, they should prepare to apply in advance and stay prepared, and in the meantime watch for news. For many in this group, even a brief trip abroad could delay their qualification date and preclude being eligible to apply this year. So they should make plans accordingly, based on their personal priorities.

For those who will not be qualified under the current law prior to August, however, there is no reason to re-arrange life in hopes the changes will be significantly delayed and not take effect until late in August or even later. There is a possibility the implementation could be delayed that long or longer. But a possibility does not equal a probability. There is nothing that has happened or come out which would lead a reasonable person to think it will be delayed that long.
I have never said that there is a high hope for those applicants who will be eligible in August.

I'm saying that because of the lack of any news so far, the applicants who will apply in May and June should be relaxed and they should give themselves extra buffer of days.

If those who will apply in the next 8 weeks are panicking and sending applications right on the minimum edge it is likely to expect an increased rate of issued RQs.

Only those who will be eligible to apply at the very end of June have an excuse to apply with the minimum days of physical presence because July 1st is the real danger.

The government will give enough notice in advance. Here we can't compare this notice with the notices which have happened with the fee increase and with the August 1st case.
It is already too late for any changes in May and June.

The situation for July applicants seems cloudy.
For those who will apply in August you better don't wait and plan your personal stuff.


Hero Member
Mar 19, 2015
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Need Canadian Pr said:
In Australia before PR time is counted
In UK before ILR time is counted
In Newzeland before PR time is counted


Why in Canada before time would be not counted to citizenship

I stayed more than two years as a working visa

Now I am listing I must have to stay 4 more years after PR for citizenship application

Why is like this what is the reason behind ?????
Very simple.

Because in Australia, they use Australian law.
In UK, they use British law.
In New Zealand they take in consideration Kiwis law.

In Canada, CIC takes into account only Canadian law who states that the time before you became PR is not going to be taken into consideration when applying for Citizenship.

If you're a drug dealer you get 10 years in prison in Canada while in other countries you get the dead penalty, every country has his owns laws.


Star Member
Apr 15, 2015
dpenabill said:

There is no news or recent event which warrants giving false hope to those who will not be eligible before August.

There is no news or recent events which would warrant those on-the-cusp to delay preparing to make their application soon, as soon as practical and they are qualified, in anticipation that there is no rush IF their priority is to apply soon, soon enough to beat the cut-off.

We know no more today than we knew a month or more ago: this is coming, coming soon, most likely date is still (as it has been for a long time) in June or July, most likely on or before August 1st at the latest, but it could also be any day now, any day!
Man! you are a jobless person I think.

Instead of writing one concise sentence and explaining something,you write 50000 words and explain it in 100 different sentences.


Champion Member
Jul 14, 2014
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dpenabill is very valuable member and I respect him.

The things I don't agree in his posts is the sense of the drama and last minute scenario implementation of everything at once and all of a sudden. This parts can create only baseless worries for those who will apply in the next 8 weeks.


VIP Member
Apr 2, 2010
na123 said:
Dpenabill, do you happen to know anything about the application backlogs and processing time. CIC has stopped posting any update since November 2014.
No formal statistics; my observations regarding progress being made on the backlog is based mostly on CIC's continuing promise to clear the majority of the backlog by mid-2016 in conjunction with the near steady flow of reports by participants in this and other forums which reflect that indeed many of those mired in the backlog created during the 2011-2012 RQ madness phase are finally reaching the finish line (most successfully but some going to a CJ hearing with not-so-good results) . . . but many others do remain bogged down in the backlog. CIC's promises have not been worth much in the past, and so far we are only seeing the anecdotal reports reflecting progress, but overall my perception is the odds are that many of those mired in the backlog will go to the next step sometime this year . . . noting there is a lot of this year left to go.

That said, CIC did seem to make more progress (again relying largely on anecdotal reporting in this and other forums) last fall than it has so far in 2015 . . . there was an obvious rush to get as much done as possible in the year prior to the election and perhaps some resources subsequently have been allocated elsewhere with the effect of reducing the rate at which the backlog is being reduced.

Regarding Coming into Force Date Predictions:

Bottom-line, nothing has happened to change what is known. Predictions continue to be SPECULATION, no more, no less. This includes the prospect of this taking effect virtually any day, with July 1st continuing to be the odds makers favourite, some time in June still very much in contention.

The only thing that has definitively changed is we now know for certain the coming into force date will not be before May 3rd. Beyond that, bets are still open.

Regarding notice in advance:

In terms of advance notice of the coming into force date, here too nothing new has happened. Here too, we know there may be no notice at all, or there may be some minimal notice (days to a week or two), or perhaps even a month's notice. Guessing which of these it will be is still a guess, just speculation.

As has been oft discussed and for reasons previously discussed, I believe there will be some notice but I would not expect much more than a week to two weeks notice. But I do not know any more than anyone else here does.

Those on-the-cusp and intending to make an application in the near future (between now and July) are in no different position now than they were months ago: if beating the cut-off is a priority for them, be prepared and make the application as soon as the individual qualifies and is comfortable with how much of a margin over 1095 days they have. Between now and the third week of June, probably (but no guarantee) safe to bet that there will be at least enough advance notice to get the application in the mail via overnight or 48 hour courier service before the cut-off, so that should allow for padding the margin some . . . so long as, of course, the individual does indeed have the application ready to go.

Those who need proof of language and do not have it as yet, your time is really running out.


Hero Member
Aug 26, 2011
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I was speaking to an agent and she told me that the bill C-24 will be implemented on the 19th of June. I was like "Oh it's now official?" she was like "It's been decided long time ago!" Was she misinformed? Or are we?


Champion Member
Jul 14, 2014
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Next time ask when the official date will be published and you will be informed that 19th is actually not so official.

July 1st is the real danger.

The ordinary call clerks know the same information which was published last year after the Royal Assent and they are speculating according to their understanding because in practice that date is only tentative.

The real cut off date will be decided from the Governor.

So meanwhile everyone is free to waste their time asking the ordinary regular call centre clerks.


VIP Member
Apr 2, 2010
ronaldoyaronaldo said:
I was speaking to an agent and she told me that the bill C-24 will be implemented on the 19th of June. I was like "Oh it's now official?" she was like "It's been decided long time ago!" Was she misinformed? Or are we?
There are many other similar reports. There is minimal reason to trust that June 19th is a date certain. It is one of the very possible dates, perhaps one of the more likely dates among other dates which are also likely (but the actual date will only be one of them), but again there is no reason to trust that the Call centre representatives know the date for sure or that it will be June 19th for sure.

That said, there have been occasions in which the Federal Court has held agencies to account for representations made by telephone. And there are so many reports of this, one has to wonder whether there is an internal practice for giving this response. That could indicate some truth to it. I would not bet on this, but again it is as good a bet as almost any other day . . . well, except July 1st seems the best bet and June 1st remains among the more likely candidates.

Again, which date it will actually be is still speculation, guess-work.

In terms of how this is going to happen: for us, those in the public, it will come together more or less all of a sudden, one day there will be a confluence of formalities, which will involve two critical dates:

-- the date that the Governor in Council makes the Order fixing the date for most of section 3 of the SCCA to come into force (section 3 contains the revisions to section 5 in the Citizenship Act), and

-- the date, as prescribed in that order, which the Governor in Council fixes as the date for these provisions (for interest here, this means mostly those in section 3 of the SCCA) to come into force

The amount of time between these two dates will determine how much notice there is. When the order is made, the date the revised law takes effect will be known with certainty. (The date will be, in the language used by another, "finalized.") All the other formalities that need to be done will be coordinated to fall into place as of that date fixed as the coming into force date.

Sure, there will be a lot going on in the background at CIC leading up to this. That will be largely if not entirely out of our view. Just as the vast majority of what has been done until now, since early 2014, has been done behind the curtains.

And there will probably still be a lot more to do after the actual coming-into-force date; the changes can take effect without all the working parts yet in working order, so long as they are in working order when new applications arrive at that stage of processing.

In the meantime, there may be a leak of what the date to be fixed will be prior to the date the Governor in Council actually makes the order. That is why for those watching this on a nearly daily basis they may want to include periodically checking unofficial sources like the news page at the consultants' website (although I would expect any such news to be quickly posted here as well).

In the meantime, there is no need for anyone to worry: what will happen is going to happen. The date will be what it will be, which will be the date ordered by the Governor in Council. Those who want to beat the cut-off just need to be prepared to submit as soon as practical (with some margin a good idea), and then to check for news a few days before they plan to do that. If the cut-off date is still unknown, or already fixed for a future date, send the application off.

While generally it is always prudent to use a courier service to make an application like this, for sure in the coming weeks anyone sending off an application should use a courier service with guaranteed delivery within at least 48 hours (or what is best available for the location) and confirmation of delivery.


Hero Member
Mar 19, 2015
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ronaldoyaronaldo said:
I was speaking to an agent and she told me that the bill C-24 will be implemented on the 19th of June. I was like "Oh it's now official?" she was like "It's been decided long time ago!" Was she misinformed? Or are we?
Yeah, that's the same date that Nicole Girard CIC Director General told to Immigration Expert Vilma Filici. 16 days left.


Champion Member
Jul 14, 2014
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I don't think that this immigration consultant deserves the potential bad commercial of her business when it will be clear that this will not be the date, because it's just her presumption written in a small blog page.


Star Member
Apr 12, 2014
buddhaB said:
Man! you are a jobless person I think.

Instead of writing one concise sentence and explaining something,you write 50000 words and explain it in 100 different sentences.
dpenabill has been very generous with his time to help members on this forum. I don't see you being very helpful. Perhaps you are the one who has too much time on his hand to come here and find fault with everyone else.

How ironic that you selected "Buddha" as your name. A person who devoted his life in finding good in others and here you are soiling not only dpenabill name but also Buddha's with your criticism of others



VIP Member
Apr 2, 2010
For clarity: the news page at the website for the Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants, while an unofficial source, is probably a reliable source . . . and I anticipate that this site will be among the first online sites to report the date fixed by the Governor in Council when it happens . . . and potentially, if they have sources within the government, perhaps even news of the actual date before the formal order is actually made.

Another site which is an unofficial source but which may similarly be among the first to report the coming into force date is the web site for the National Immigration Law Section of the Canadian Bar Association . . . the trouble with that site (and Canadian Bar Association sites in general) is the extent to which membership (limited) is required to access certain parts of it (although some key information, like the Section's submissions regarding Express Entry, are accessible to non-members).

I do not know to what extent any general news media outlets are likely to be on top of the story, but at best their coverage will be hit & miss, probably more miss than hit.

To be clear: Anyone who will be sending off a citizenship application in the coming days, or weeks, should be sure to check at least the CIC online site BEFORE shipping the application.

One may describe the characterization that this could happen any day now as dramatizing, but the practical reality is that it could happen any day now and for those about to ship off an application, there is a real need to check at least the CIC site for any changes in the application or instructions as of the day the package is being sent off. This is generally a good idea anyway, since the application form periodically changes from time to time without notice and the applicant should always use the most current form available. But between now and when the change actually takes effect, it is particularly important for those who are in the final preparation stage to check the CIC website the day before and again the day of sending off the application. Not that much would be lost at that stage, other than the payment of courier costs, and one's time and effort wasted (but app fees would be refunded for example).


Champion Member
Jul 14, 2014
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The website for the Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants is not really reliable, just like the info coming from the immigration consultants.

Pay attention that for example the date of the Royal Assent as a news is missing on their news section.