Liberal MPs to hold meeting on controversial citizenship law
Mississauga News
By Chris Clay
MISSISSAUGA – A pair of Liberal MPs will speak at a meeting on Sunday in Mississauga about a controversial immigration bill that was enacted earlier this year.
Liberal Citizenship and Immigration critic John McCallum and Scarborough-Guildwood MP John McKay are both slated to speak at the event being held at Trinity Hall about Bill C-24, which is also known as the Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act. The bill, which was brought forward by the federal Conservatives, passed into law in June.
Sheref Sabawy, who is seeking the Liberal nomination in the Mississauga-Erin Mills riding for next year’s federal election, organized the meeting. He said Mississauga is home to a large number of newcomers who could be affected by some of the changes in the act and there have been plenty of questions about it when he’s out in the community.
Supporters of the law say the changes will strengthen rules around citizenship and cut down on citizenship fraud, among other benefits. However, detractors say it gives too much power to the federal government to take away citizenship and it has other problems.
Some of the changes include requiring citizenship applicants to be physically present in Canada for a total of four out of their last six years and they need to be in Canada for at least 183 days per year.
Sabawy says there are some changes he feels will be beneficial but believes, on the whole, the changes have more negatives than positives.
The meeting runs from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Admission costs $2. Trinity Hall is located at 1245 Eglinton Ave. W.
It doesn't allow me to post links here but these people might know better how much time the delay of the implementation will be.