Hi All,
I know it has been a very stressful 6 weeks for all the June 19 In process candidates who also are outlanders. Below is my timeline.
Out lander:
ITA: March 27 2015
Application sub : May 1 2015
eAOR : May 1 2015
Medicals passed May 7 or 8 2015
Application Received to In process in ECAS : June 19 2015
Additional documents requested : July 3 2015 (RPRF Fee) Paid on the same day!
Addtional Documents Requested : July 31 2015 ( Spouse Schedule A & Travel History)
ECAS Status : In Process with 3 lines
Thats the story so far with regards to my PR Application. Extract from the mail i received from CIC this morning is below :
Thank you for your interest in Canada.
We have begun processing your application for permanent residence, and in order to make a decision we require the following information/documents:
UCI :XXXXXXX & My spouse Name : XXXXXXXX
> Schedule A: A separate and newly completed Schedule A Background Declaration form (IMM 5669) bearing an original signature.
This must be received at this office by: 2015/08/07
> Travel History Info Form: Please porovide information on your previous travel history (trip duration and purpose) including citizenship and resident document information.
This must be received at this office by: 2015/08/07
Just a few questions
1. Where do we get to download the Schedule A and Travel History Form?
Check here ---> http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm5669E.pdf
And here ---> http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/travel-information-history-form-t297013.0.html
2. Does the principle applicant also need to provide information for Travel History?
If they ask specifically from your spouse, you don't need to provide this again for yourself.
All the best all the June 19 In process applicants. The wait will be worth it