can i provide them with official electronic transcript? or does it have to be regular official transcript? also do i need to upload the wes report with educational transcript
can i provide them with official electronic transcript? or does it have to be regular official transcript? also do i need to upload the wes report with educational transcript
can i provide them with official electronic transcript? or does it have to be regular official transcript? also do i need to upload the wes report with educational transcript
can i provide them with official electronic transcript? or does it have to be regular official transcript? also do i need to upload the wes report with educational transcript
You seem to have posted a question about every single step of the application process, which makes me feel that you're over thinking this before you even apply. Relax!
You seem to have posted a question about every single step of the application process, which makes me feel that you're over thinking this before you even apply. Relax!