sabeen said:
Anyone landing in calgary,plz reply with ur valuable experience
Sabeen Sherazi
as talk on phone
Walmart Is hiring for new Location at NW country hills.
711 Hiring near Marlborough and 8Ave SE
Call the Student Aid Alberta Service Centre: ( Check about you eligible for any Student Loan)

1-855-606-2096 (toll free in North America) Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. local time
apply for Calgary housing/ fill form as it has 6 months to 1 year waiting :
East District Office
3rd Floor, Marlborough Mall Professional Building
320, 433 Marlborough Way NE, Calgary, Alberta, T2A 5H5
apply for low income health Card (you need to file Income tax return for 2014 first )
and during Income tax return apply (tick) for Child benefits , GST credit too.
And do not relay lot on social workers , they will do just 2-3 meeting and though they sound very helpful and sympathetic but that what there job is and not lot bother if you getting correct info or settling properly.
I know couple of friends (though not in touch) they from Pak and worked in Security too so If you husband need there number I can mgs you , may be they can give you some info about Security jobs.
Did you all get registered to Family Doctor , best place is at Medicare (its near falconridge ) as they got lots of Indian and Pakistani doctors. Do not stuck up with family clinic just because they near your house , better to Get good doctor from start .
If you all need any other info or help then plz do not hesitate at all to Call me or mgs me.
And consider yourself really lucky as we having nice weather in Calgary else in last 2 years it was -20 to -35 during these days.