Hi, I need suggestion for selecting the organization for ECA? and do you need to assessment for all your educational credential from 10th Standard or only higher education degrees?
Hi, I need suggestion for selecting the organization for ECA? and do you need to assessment for all your educational credential from 10th Standard or only higher education degrees?
from my experience it wouldn't hurt to get everything that was post secondary done. In my case my highest degree ended up getting evaluated as a 4 year bachelor (it was a year 1 masters). Had i not sent my bachelor as well, my education level would've been bachelor instead of 2 degrees or more. Made all the difference when combined with my CLB10 IELTS. It's also the same price so wouldn't make much of a difference except for the extra paperwork.
Hi friends, i have a doubt, do i need to get eca done for my wife as well?
I am the principal applicant.. and i want to claim her education points for masters, so do i need te get eca done for her as well ??
Hi friends, i have a doubt, do i need to get eca done for my wife as well?
I am the principal applicant.. and i want to claim her education points for masters, so do i need te get eca done for her as well ??
I have got a my wife's ECA verification done from WES. She had done her post graduate diploma (MBA) from Weligkars College, Mumbai, which I thought was a renowned college, but got a reply from WES that the institute is not recognized. Do I need to some other option to get her post graduate countable for CRS?
I have got a my wife's ECA verification done from WES. She had done her post graduate diploma (MBA) from Weligkars College, Mumbai, which I thought was a renowned college, but got a reply from WES that the institute is not recognized. Do I need to some other option to get her post graduate countable for CRS?