I wish to get my ECA done for my B.Arch (Bachelor of architecture) (5 years course) and M.Arch (Master of architecture) (2 years full-time) from Pune University, India.
Which documents should I send to WES?
Also, the first and second year marksheets/transcripts of B.Arch are issued by individual college and not the university. Rest all transcripts are issued by the University as per requirement by WES (sealed, stamped).
Should I be sending just my master's degree transcripts for evaluation?
Any help on this would be highly appreciated. Thank you!
I wish to get my ECA done for my B.Arch (Bachelor of architecture) (5 years course) and M.Arch (Master of architecture) (2 years full-time) from Pune University, India.
Which documents should I send to WES?
Also, the first and second year marksheets/transcripts of B.Arch are issued by individual college and not the university. Rest all transcripts are issued by the University as per requirement by WES (sealed, stamped).
Should I be sending just my master's degree transcripts for evaluation?
Any help on this would be highly appreciated. Thank you!