for those who wants to know about CAIPS/GCMS
CAIPS stands for "Computer-Assisted Immigration Processing System". It is often used as a synonym for "information from a visa file". This system was developed in 1980s.
By 2011 all Canadian visa offices outside of Canada began using GCMS — "Global Case Management System". This is a new system; since 2011 all new visa applications are being processed in GCMS, while many older files are still being processed in CAIPS.
Information received via is represented differently for CAIPS and GCMS. Officers' notes are in plain text regardless of the system.
If your visa file number looks like E123456789, it means that your application is being processed in the GCMS
how much caips/gcms cost
All information requests submitted directly from are $25 US.
This also includes the government processing fee as per the Access to Information Act of Canada.
If you need to request any other information in addition to or instead of CAIPS/GCMS information from your visa file, the price will be different. Please inquire to get your quote.
Examples of information that can be requested are complete copies of all documents contained in your visa file, medical reports (including X-ray images), Canadian border crossing records, information processed in the systems inside Canada etc.
who needs CAPS/GCMS notes?
You may need this service if you are immigrating to Canada, applied for any Canadian visa, work permit, study permit or there is any other file under your name that was or is being processed by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
By requesting information via you will receive printout from the application processing system with various data about the application and, most importantly, notes and decisions of the immigration officers.
You probably won't need this service if your application was approved by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and you don't want to know anything about how it was processed.
what do u need to get CAIPS?
To request the information from your visa file you will have to provide general information about the adults included in the application — their names and dates of birth.
You will also have to provide details about the visa file — its number, application type (temporary visa, immigration etc.) and location of the visa office processing the application (just city and country).
If you don't know your visa file number, you may proceed without it. It may take a little bit longer to locate the file and receive the information.
Start by making the payment on the order page, then follow detailed step-by-step instructions provided thereafter. Contact us at any time if questions arise.
In most cases the requested information is provided in 45 calendar days.
If you place the order today, you will likely receive the information by Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Please note, that we have no control over the process and cannot speed up processing. 45 days is the time required by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, not by Immigration authorities are required by law to provide the information in specific time; this requirement is met in most cases. If more time is required to process a request, we receive a delay notification and forward it to the applicant.
In very rare cases it takes from 45 to 65 days to receive the information. It is extremely unlikely that your request will take more than that .