Hi I am trying to engage a foreign national for a post in our company and we want to help him secure the PR as well. Someone told me about Dual Intent and I have a lot of doubts on this topic, hopefully some can help me with this.
1. The person is in 0213 category - Senior Management category
2. Person is a foreign national outside Canada, we want to start early if possible so want to apply for the Dual Intent.
3. Query specific to the form
- In Expected Employment Duration - What should I mention - 4 years(which is the max duration for work permit) or tick on Permanent or both. My understand is since I selected dual intent at the top of the form, it should be permanent. But not sure if there is a conflict in saying the employment is for 4 years(based on work permit) or saying he will be permanent?
- There is a section asking - will I hire or train Canadian/permanent residents for the position for which we are requested the LMIA?
I am not how to answer this section, my understand is if he is permanent employee and gets the PR, I will expect him to carry out the responsibilities for a longer period and I will have some junior people getting trained under him to help him. Is it necessary to show a training plan if no, will it go against our plea for LMIA that we are assuming the person to get his PR(which is not done yet) and not respecting the terms of work permit (which is an immediate reason for rejection).
4. I have not hired any head hunters and used a lot of portals to get responses on the job. So far 145 applications have been received in past 1 month. We have detailed comments on each candidate, will this be enough or what is the best timeline to keep the job posted before approaching LMIA approval.