deplix - how many applications for PR did you have until now? I see from your posts that you applied through the Skilled Worker, then Provincial Nomination Program and now you say you want to appeal a Family Class application.
Also from what you have written in the last years I understand you appealed the refusal under Family Class almost 2 years ago.
deplix said:
I applied my spousal appeal in vancouver office in december anybody know how long vancouver office take to deal appeal cases
please share with me i am so upset how long it will take me
Also it seems the refusal you now speak of happened somewhere in 2011, so you've known about the lack of validity of the marriage for 2 years. Why didn't you remarry until now?
deplix said:
Hi ,
Everone please i am in big trouble and i hoping some expert help me urgent
i got merry in may2009 at that time i have my divorce deed one i apply immigration someone told me u need arbitration council certificate so i apply that which they register on december 2009 and i submitt application now they saend me refusal because i was not free to merry because arbitration council say date of divorce affected december 2009 and u merry may 2009 they give me chance for appeal i am in pakistan now please help me which option good for me i will go for appeal or remerry and reapply but who i can remerry i have also one baby girl all function done in may 2009 please help me regarding this case i really thank ful u guys
I don't get what advice you're looking for. Have you, until now, spoken to an immigration lawyer?