bally21 said:
I've read the part about importing animals and it says its $30 for the first animal in the shipment and $5 for each subsequent one. One of the dogs is a retired greyhound racer but I have her racing papers signed over to me and will be bringing it along, so hopefully it won't be a problem.
In addition to that inspection fee there is (or there used to be a few months ago) an import duty if you imported more than a certain number (I think four - but don't remember if it's animals total or by species). I only have one dog so just thought it was interesting. However, if you are flying with your spouse, it would be a mute point either way since you could each import two.
bally21 said:
And if it is, well I'll bring lots of cash for bribery
In my experience, the hardest part of traveling with dog in tow is all the 'aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwww........he's soooooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuteeeeeeeeeeee!' comments from security, customs, etc. and being able to keep going. Our doxie has even acquired multiple dog treats from customs officers when we drive across. IME, it's been surprisingly easy. I tend to be a dot i's and cross t's person with immigration/customs to make sure things go smoothly and really would advise you to not worry beyond getting the vet docs and getting them used to their bag/crate.
Since one of your dogs is a greyhound, clearly at least one will be in the 'belly' of the plane (sounds nicer than cargo). Consider taking a small note to send up to the pilot reminding them that your dog(s) and cat? are down in cargo and asking them to take extra care of them. Not to get your hopes up, but pilots have said that it's a good reminder and I know folks who have gotten their pets a bit of extra TLC and photos from the pilot on a cell phone or camera of the dogs settled in from moves like that with the right pilot

A few candy bars for cabin crew reportedly work magic too
bally21 said:
Ok spoke to shipper again..we take it to the warehouse tomorrow and he will store it free of charge for us until the day we go, then ship it to canada so it arrives after us.. Phew! And I have that in writing lol