zubairhusain said:
what else i need to take care so my process will be smooth.
Firstly, NEVER trust this type of consultant!
Secondly, there is NOTHING like need of a lawyer in the whole process, too.
Thirdly, no one but the IRCC reserves the exclusive right to issue a candidate PR visa. Any lawyer from any country is definitely NOT able to get you a visa if you do not fulfil the requirements set forth by IRCC.
I'd like to share with you my own experience with such a fraud immigration consultant.
In fact, I have been researching about express entry since it was first launched in 2015. However, when I finally was able to fulfil the requirements and decided to create my EE profile, I went to an immigration consultant. The only reason to go to him was to "TEST" that consultant how he tries to fraud with me! 8)
So, finally after seeing my case that I am a medical doctor, he made a DEAL with me. He asked me to submit my profile on behalf of me in
18 lakh INR ONLY !!!!!

(I repeat, 18 lakh INR
Immediately I got him that he was trying to fool me, thinking that being a doctor, I'd be super rich and would not hesitate to pay this much fees to him!
But, as I was really enjoying his PROFESSIONAL way to fraud other people, I continued the conversation...
I asked him whether or not they would pay for IELTS and WES ECA of me and my wife.
I was literally shocked to hear from him that we did NOT need to give IELTS or ECA !!!!!!! ;D 8)
I asked how would it be possible?
The answer was even more INTERESTING.
He told me that they had SUPER level lawyers in Canada who could make our file APPROVED and get us PR visa!!
The breakdown of total 18 lakh INR fees was something like this,
4 - 5 lakh INR for creating my EE profile (which hardly took only 1 hour for me when I did it online on my own

4 - 5 lakh INR for the fees to pay to those SUPER LEVEL lawyers

4 - 5 lakh INR the fees of the consultant agency (Now who the heck was that agency, I don't know even today)
The remaining 3 - 4 lakh INR were RESERVED if any UNFORESEEN circumstances happened during the whole process!
Thank God, I had enough knowledge about the whole process, otherwise, seeing this much fees, I'd have cancelled to apply for PR to Canada.
This is actually NOT a wonderland story, but my own experience.
My personal advice to all of you. Even if you decide to hire a consultant in any case, please research everything about the whole process beforehand. I have seen some cases whose file is completely operated by consultant only, and they even don't allow the applicant to see his own file what's going on in that. They don't even know where his file has reached and what's being the procedures.
Give me +1 if it helped you friends.