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Disappointment: TRV application denied for the second time!


Star Member
Oct 26, 2012

Yesterday I just received the result for my second application for TRV; was so happy at first when seeing a postman dropping by cause I'd been waiting for the result for more than a week... Never thought that I was going toreceive a denial again for the second time. This has made me wondering, "Was the embassy officer in Singapore really doing his/her job as the reasons selected in the replied letter were the same as the previously replied (first application)!" They were:-
  • Your travel history
    Length of proposed stay in Canada
    Purpose of visit
    Your personal assets and financial status

As the reasons why I could not get through were being stated in the first result, so my boyfriend and I tried applying again by providing what were needed: I wrote a cover letter, as did him in invitation letter, telling that I never travelled out of the country before except for domestic flights only (Sarawak-KL), The length of proposed stay had been reduced from 6 month to only a month as this was accepted too by my Project Manager in his letter granting the unpaid leaves for me, Purpose was the same as before which was to further our relationship to the next step and to sightseeing the beautiful snowy Canada, and as for the personal assets and financial status, I did enclose my car invoice as for the asset and my bank statement, even though all the expenses incurred will be covered up by my boyfriend...

I am still upset cause I wont be able to celebrate Christmas with them as been planned.. this has not only made me sad, but my boyfriend and his family of course..we've been planning a lot to stuffs to do.. Still I couldnt get it, what was still lacking in my application? Does anyone face this kind of situation too?

Thanks and really appreciate for the comment.. :'(


VIP Member
Mar 22, 2010
I am really sorry about your refusal. The biggest problem most people have is proving they have strong ties to their home country. Travel history isn't what you are thinking it is. Travel outside your country and returning home is actually a POSITIVE thing. It shows that you are financially established enough (have a good job and savings) to be able to travel and shows you return home. Length of visit - a month sounds reasonable, don't know how that can be improved. Purpose of visit - indicating you have a romantic relationship increases your ties to Canada and decreases the ties to home. They think you are planning to do more than just visit.
Personal assets - a car is not considered an asset. Think of how easy it would be to walk away from a car if you decided to stay in Canada? Think real estate. Having your employer write you a letter stating you are expected back to work on XXX date is a great idea and an explanation of your responsibilities at work would also be useful. I don't know if "unpaid" leave is a positive inclusion.
Go to the main forum page and put in a seach in the box at the top right for TIES TO HOME, TRV Refusals, things like that and read all you can about other refusals and see what you can learn from them. Don't apply again until you have significant changes to include. Good Luck.


Full Member
Sep 24, 2012
Honestly, I am still puzzled on what grants a visa and what not. Some people say one must have property like house or apartment and substantial amount of money in bank, some say you must have a good job and strong ties to your home country ,etc. What mind-boggles me is the fact that if all these requirements were true, then i would have been a bad case and neither of my gazillion applications in the past would have been approved.

I am Indonesian national working in Shanghai (so no strong ties to my home country). I am a management trainee with peanuts salary (I only stated that I have CAD 2000 savings for my 1 week trip to Canada). I have a sister who is a Canadian PR and my mom has a super visa (again, increasing ties with Canada). I have no property (I rent an apartment), I have no car (I take the subway), and my job in shanghai is a contract of 2 years (i already completed 1 year). And yet I got my TRV approved. It took longer than I expected (almost 2 months) but I got it. Not that I am not grateful and happy about it, I am. I am very very very happy and extremely grateful knowing how many people with stronger cases are rejected.

Perhaps the fact that I lived in Canada during high school legally and I came back twice to visit my sister legally after I left Canada for good gave me a good track record in the eyes of Visa officer. I have also lived in United States before for 2 years, Belgium 1 year, and the Netherlands 5 years, before residing and working in Shanghai. And I was able to show to the Visa Officer (in my application package) that I had visited multiple countries for tourism purposes (therefore granted visa from various countries) without overstaying. So just like what Pippin said, this proves that I have no intention to stay longer than I intended to, I have enough fund, my background is clear from all criminal activities, and I showed genuine interest in tourism, etc. I am not questioning your motives, I am just saying perhaps your evidences are just not strong enough.

To make matters worse, it is a fact that for nationals from certain countries, the chance of getting Temporary Resident Visa is very small because there were many people before in the past that abused this, overstayed, and work illegally.

So in a nutshell, i think there are certain minimum criteria that you must meet regardless of where you apply. Whether you apply in New York city or in Shanghai like I did or in Singapore, there are bare essentials that just can't be bargain. all the other stuff like having a boyfriend there who will financially support you is probably just icing on the cake, again from the perspective of the visa officer. this is just my theory though.. don't take it for granted. i am just saying that even though your boyfriend guarantees that he will pay for your expenses, the visa officer still need to know whether you can fund yourself or not should your boyfriend decided not to fund you anymore.

I hope it helps and all the best to you!!


Star Member
Oct 26, 2012
Hi there.. Really thanks Pippin and NLY39739 for the advices...seems it's very difficult than what we expected it to be... Both of us are almost really at the stage of giving up already..


Star Member
Oct 26, 2012
Hello Im back!

So my boyfriend and I decided to get married so we did last year in April, so we started our PR application right away and while awaiting, I planned for a visit then applying for TRV via online and now sending my original passport for them to stamp on it as being requested by Visa Office! I am so excited now and you guys were right it wont be that easy for the first place a single girl to travel unless you are married and planing to visit your spouse! Anyway good luck to all!

*ps: i am now in a curious mode I cannot trace my sponsorship application status... :'(