Well, I'm glad to have provided some of you with hilarity--twelve pages of it, no less!
I didn't realize I had such a talent to turn a sad story into a joke. Look out, Carlin, here comes Thea!
As to my truthfullness, every damn thing I said was true--my blindness, mental illness, the synesthesia that makes me perhaps less capable of being touch-deprived than some. Whatever.
But twelve pages of hilarity? Holy crap!
Whoever said I came to the worst place possible for help was right.
Yes, my question was answered, but I'd hoped to find a community which is why I revealed so much about myself.
Speaking of revelation: whoever went right out and 'outted'' me, how'd you do it?
How'd you find me?
I looked for me and couldn't find all the crap you said you found!
I even found a person with my exact name who had an inspirational story to tell about a Czech delegate who became a Christian during the era of Communism.
Not me. Never met such a person, nor am I that person.
Come on, inquiring minds want to know! How DID you find out about the partner I had in 2012? Come on. Out with it!
I've been searching on the net for me for hours and can't apparently work the same magic, but then, I suppose I'm a lesser mortal than you.
So, how 'bout it? Spill. :