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difference between visitor visa and visitor record?


VIP Member
Jun 30, 2005

HI all thank you for helping people with their question i have one myself

I am currently in Canada with my family with a work permit and my wife as well, my 2 kids were granted also stay both with different situations....

the younger one is an american citizen so she was given only a stamp in her passport however in order to qualify for socical security i had to request her visitor record to be matched with our work permits......

as for my 2nd one well..... his passport is from a country that needs visa and has a visa in it and when we enter we were given a visitor record... however the record itself has an expiration date different than the rest and the reason is because is based in the passport expiration date.... so we already requeste d a new passport and will arrive soon, so my question would be, Do ineed to apply for a visa inside canada first, and then apply for the visitor record extension? can i do both process at the same time, or do i need to apply for the visitor record extension, and then the visa? we are not planning to travel outside canada anytime soon so ondering if only the visitor recor d need extension now that the passport has being updated, or i need the new visa first and the the record.

based on timelines my kid could be out of the expiration date o f the visitor record while waiting fo rthe visa to be processed. but the passport will arrive on time for us to start the process of visitor record extension if the visa is not needed

thanks in advance for your help
1. You apply for the visitor extension first.
2. Then you apply for a new TRV, the application goes to a different office. So you can do it at the same time.