Champion Member
- Oct 29, 2018
- 1,337
- Category........
- Visa Office......
- CIO-Sydney, NS
- NOC Code......
- 2174
- AOR Received.
- 01-12-2018
- Passport Req..
- 25-03-2019
- LANDED..........
- 24-08-2019
Apologies, but I'm selfishly only analyzing data that applies to me directly. You can look at the "Consolidated e-APR Tracker (Express Entry Permanent Residency Application)" tracker on MyImmiTracker and filter it to your liking, however.Interesting , great job compiling the stats . I'm a Dec 19 AOR and FSW- I candidate . Do you have any links or are aware of avg. status for FSW- I applicants?