F.M said:
grt.please let us know when you get the reply.
Hello everyone and FM:
Sorry, I wasn't able to update you all on the status yesterday as I've been super busy at work (the only time I log on here).
So here's the scoop:
The MP's office was ultra fast with their response. I sent the email at 11 am and got an email back at 11:59 am. I was out for lunch so couldn't respond back with consent form until 1:30 pm. By 3 pm, the office contacted me back letting me know that the TRV is still under review because Agents are still conducting mandatory background check along with criminal records. I was told to wait for 2 more weeks and if I don't hear anything, they will contact CIC again on my behalf.
Also for the PR, the office told me that, it takes 17 months and have gone through the stage 1 (AOR) and stage 2 (SA) and is now in LVO. So, I should expect to hear something by May 2017 or sooner.
I urge everyone to contact their MP's offices for updates whenever they feel the need. I'm glad I did and so happy with the new MP (especially their staff) for our area. They were very proactive, assertive and emphatic towards my concern.