To the ones that are judging Manager here are some facts that explain why he submited two apps for the same NOC.
He had only 66 points on the first one because WES had made a mistake on his credentials and he wasnt sure they would fix it on time. So he retook the IELTS to be able to make the 67 points even if WES dindnt correct their mistake.
Here is a message he posted long time ago when he was struggling with this issue.
Dear All Experts,
“[Luck + British Council + WES ] “are playing strange game with me.
My initial calculation was (IELTS: 22points, MPhil=Canadian Masters=23points, Age 35=12points, Experience 15years=15points ==Total Points =72)
But due to bad luck my points are now only 66-points because of British Council's unbelievable IELTS results (18points only) and because of WES errors in ECA (21points only).
Due to ECA delay, age has become now 36 so lost one point, and age points will be 11.
British Council:-
Despite of being hundred percent confident and sure that all of my tests were done perfectly, British Council gave me in IELTS => L7 -R6.5 - W6 - S6.5 => 18-points.
WES: -
WES issued wrong ECA, and mentioned that my MPhil 18-years of education = Canadian 4-Years Bachelor. Filed a case with them and they put my file under review for past two weeks. I don't know that when this “REVIEW” will be finalized by the “World Class PHD holder, Research Scholars of WES” . Even WES doesn't know that when this "NASA project" of reviewing the file will reach its destination!!!
Next Steps that I have taken:-
I have scheduled IELTS on 22Nov,2014 again with British Council and result will be on 5th Dec, 2014, expecting that this time, I might get a better score.
WES has given verbal confirmation that in your revised ECA, you will have your MPhil equivalent to Canadian Master's Degree but when, they don't know? They cannot tell!! If they issue me ECA with Canadian Master's Degree I shall have total of 67points (IELTS 18points + Age 36years 11points + Education Canadian Masters 23points + Experience 15years 15points = 67ponits)
Second option is that, if I get 22points from new result of IELTS, it will also solve the problem of points.
Can anyone tell that what are my chances to apply under current FSWP 2014 before end of December 2014? Since it looks that CIC will not receive any applications after 31st Dec 2014.
Regards and good luck to all,