I was just going through this forum and searching for my answers for Quebec skilled worker program when I saw your posts/answers. They really seem to be helping. Really thanks brother for the details and experiences you have shared.
I hope you are a Canadian national now 
I was going to apply for the QSWP in the next month with my family. I was wondering if you could please guide me a bit in this case like whether to go for this option or not, how much time the process takes, after how many years you can get the chance to move to any other province, is it easy to get jobs as soon as you reach there and the family accomodation too...n lastly being a non-french/nil in french language makes any difference or not?
I hope i am not asking much
but seriously you seem very helping while sharing your personal experiences with us.
Will be waiting for your reply ... Thank you
I was just going through this forum and searching for my answers for Quebec skilled worker program when I saw your posts/answers. They really seem to be helping. Really thanks brother for the details and experiences you have shared.
I was going to apply for the QSWP in the next month with my family. I was wondering if you could please guide me a bit in this case like whether to go for this option or not, how much time the process takes, after how many years you can get the chance to move to any other province, is it easy to get jobs as soon as you reach there and the family accomodation too...n lastly being a non-french/nil in french language makes any difference or not?
I hope i am not asking much
Will be waiting for your reply ... Thank you