These 'what are the chances' threads really rub people the wrong way eh? hehe
I prefer to take this perspective on the matter:
Be positive but be realistic - We don't know when exactly CIC will lower the draw scores at this time. It's been said over and over again that they are clearing backlog which is why the notion of CRS480+ for the past three months does not make sense. That small number does not represent the Express Entry applicants and this score is catered only to PNPs CECs and those with job offers (which is a small fraction of the applicant pool). While waiting, just make good use of your time by preparing for the ITA requirements, learn French, improve your scores, or apply for provincial nomination. Or better yet...don't think about migration at all! Go on with your life as if it did not exist...and come back to it when you have your invite.
Be realistic but don't be a downer - "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all" The internet is so emotionally volatile, that one negative remark sparks all sorts of petty quarrels online. There's always a more neutral way of breaking the news to someone. Anyway if the backlog is as dire as 380,000 as earlier claimed, CIC would be prudent enough to put on hold the creation of new EE profiles until everything is sorted out. I reckon they will also issue a statement about this to keep everyone calm. They are not foolish enough to keep accepting new applications without any feasible plan to resolve the issue. They know the issue better than any of us so rather than speculate further, let's just go on with our lives and let them fix the situation.
Things will get better. You just need to be patient about it