Hello. Thank you for your reply.
* I was never physically arrested, detained or incarcerated at any time for this offense.
* The offense was being found guilty of having THC in my system. The active ingredient in marijuana. I admitted to the offense and was fined by the university court and told to do tests for the duration of my studies, which I passed.
* I did not appeal to any higher court as this was an university matter and it was not severe. I was NEVER found in possession of any marijuana. I took marijuana at a party only once.
* I still received a police clearance certificate from the country of origin which proves that I do not have any criminal record. An university court as I far as i know is an institutional entity and doesn't fall under any judicial category in the country of origin. I may be wrong, but since I received a police clearance, I am not sure exactly what the issue would be.
In Canada you can be penalized for possession of marijuana but not for simply having THC in your system, and even that is set to be decriminalized sometime later this year. Your offense and conviction does not have an equivalent in Canada and therefore you are
Since your court proceedings were of a quasi-criminal type (civil proceedings within a corporate entity), and you were not actually charged or tried with any penal statute in your country of residence you may answer
no to questions about ever having been arrested, charged, convicted for a crime or offense. However you have to answer
yes to ever having committed an offense if there is a an offense in your country's penal statutes for simply having THC in one's system, which I find very unlikely. Also, border agents at points of entry sometimes ask if you ever had marijuana and when was the last time you took marijuana ..etc and I recommend that you answer honestly as this will not affect you in any way.
On a different side, you should know that you are inadmissible to the US. If you ever admit this offense to US agents or if the US learns about your case you will be permanently barred from the US.