hi all!!!!
i know it's been a while since i posted. i successfully landed on August 29th, we went to Montebello, QC to celebrate our first anniversary, and my husband took last week off.
anyway, the landing was easy, as this forum said it would be. My border of choice is Lansdowne, ON which borders Watertown, NY and is less than 2 hours from Ottawa. I was nervous about th experience, so my husband met me in watertown, and i followed him up to the border.
Pretty much the same as everyone else, except it took longer than the norm. When we first got in there, we waited while some guy was getting "banned for life" because of a criminal offense. the officer that helped me kept getting distracted and helped another officer do something before finishing up with me. she was quite lovely, and it was relaxed. I have a feeling it was their down time since it was 6pm on the friday of labor day. she saw my COPR, went to her computer for a minute, came back and went over the document with me. asked me the questions on the document where i wrote my answers and initialed, i signed and she signed. She expressed she didn't understand why they even bother asking those questions, because the COPR pretty much cancels any previous issues out. my husband was there and she explained the condition 51 to both of us, we joked about it. she confirmed my address, went back to her office, typed it all up, came back out with the form stapled to my passport, told me i should get my PR card in 4-6 weeks, then explained how to get a SIN# and sign up for OHIP. I confirmed she stamed/signed the passport, and she sent me over to the other window for declaring my goods. The guy was nice too. Another delay because the copier was broken, and luckily i filled out 2 copies of the forms, so i went out to my car to get them, and we used them. I signed all copies of the forms, totaled up the values, and he confirmed (3 times) that i had everything on my list with me. i thought it was weird that he asked me 3 times, though it may be one of their "things" to make sure they get the right answer. Lesson learned: total up your values BEFORE you get to the import window. I did not do this, and i ended up having to do it on the spot. not a big deal, just caused a delay. anyway, he gave me a receipt and attached it to my form. he then went over what i'll need to do it import my car and where i can do it at that border. he said it was a prety simple process, and wasn't concerned it was on my goods to follow form. My husband snapped some pics, and we were off. total time took maybe 45 min -1 hour.
since landing, i've signed up for a sin#, and have visited the local immigrant service organization. i have another appointment today to talk to a job counselor. my main goal is to get a job and start making an income. next up is to get proof of address so i can take the language assessment, sign up for free french classes (and ohip), start volunteering, networking and finish unpacking. busy busy...
i'll be around some, just obviously not as much since my life is no longer in limbo, and it's imperative i start working ASAP. good luck to all those still waiting. my advice is to let go of the process until you hear from CIC. obsessing over the process will not make it go quickly, nor will reading sad and frustrated stories about applications that are not your own. letting go of control and the need "to know", and believing in a successful outcome will!
If anyone is landing/planning to land in Ottawa, send me a PM or find me on the FB group "Forum Friends". Wishing everyone successful processes, and a continuation of the speedy process for Ottawa applicants!
See you around.