My daughter and I landed yesterday by plane in Edmonton. The customs officer was smiling when he called us up and started an awesome landing experience. My parents-in-law and step-son were less than an hour from the Coutts/Sweetgrass crossing, and the border officers had told my husband twice that they would probably need my original COPR showing the landing. The customs officer at the airport showed us through the other 2 officers for the procedures, and then he showed up with a detailed fax cover letter to pick up everything and fax it to a specific border guard to ensure we had no issues. My in-laws were in my husband's truck, hauling an 18' trailer with all my furniture and 100 boxes, and they never looked at anything. They had questions about the $1,000 in costume jewelry that I claimed but let it through. I will say that my daughter and I itemized 30 pages of belongings, and they pretty much looked at it and cried "Uncle!" The final agent we spoke to joked with my 22 year old that he didn't see her stuffed animal cat on her inventory, and, without missing a beat, she said that it fell under her category of "purse accessories", lol. He walked away, snickering and repeating, "purse accessories!" Very, very positive experience, we felt so welcomed.