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continued... A MASTER THREAD of some of my posts here >>>


VIP Member
Nov 21, 2009
Brampton, Canada
Visa Office......
Re: A MASTER THREAD of some of my posts here >>>

vncviewer said:
Dear Qorax Da,

When i will be in Canada please give me a chance to meet with you.

Wish you best luck...
It'd be my pleasure to meet u guys VN !


VIP Member
Nov 21, 2009
Brampton, Canada
Visa Office......
Re: A MASTER THREAD of some of my posts here >>>

Hi friend Qorax,

I am in a kind of dilemma whether to make this Canada move or NOT. I decided to make the move on a few solid reasons:

1. I have two kids. The idea is giving my kids a better education and exposure.

2. This would be a change in life style and exposure for our entire family.

So.... The other side is

1. My parents are quite old and I should take care of them too. If I am here I can help them better. This is a burning issue in my heart.

2. On the other side are my kids to whom I should give a better opportunity.

My Education:
a) I have a first class honors degree in electronic and telecommunication engineering from the best engineering university in my country. (1997 to 2001)
b) Currently involved in MSc. In computer science - in the middle of my first year exams, ome more year to go

My Experience:
Currently I am drawing an above average salary in my country. I am sure I would get pretty good increments in the coming years and our company rewards well those working hard.

You see, I have worked here for 8 years and have established a good position and a sound network in the company. The working environment I have is the best I can find in my country. Super flexible any time I can go or leave, or take leave - no one asks as long as the work is done. I like that style a lot..

So all these eight years I have spent in the company is quite a big investment and I have to roll back all this if I make the move. If my kids would get a better future I would not mind.

Do you think I would be able to get a job in Toronto when I land given my experience and the recognition of the company.

Dear Qorax,
I want you to help me on how to take the approach. Should I immigrate, or I should continue in my country?

Thanks a lot for going through my long mail.
I hope you would help me as I badly need it my friend.

God bless you.

Dear Friend,

I've gone thru your Bio, Profile & your Family points in detail (as PMed by u) & thus am cognizant of your disposition. Which entails me to confirm that your choice of moving is perfectly well placed. There r many ppl with similar conditions, including me, & we all took the same decisions & rightly so too.

Job prospects
With your background u'd definitely make it well here... & that client of yours could place u as well. However, we have seen that many orgs, unfortunately, do not cater to those placements, even if the guy practically established their platform from overseas. Nonetheless, there r few who do - thus, there's no harm in trying. If u fetch that - consider it as a bonus. If u don't - there'd would be Many other opportunities.

Big money
But one thing I keep repeating here, we shouldn't take the immigration route with a mindset of making Mega Bucks... Canada, unfortunately is not the place for such escapades. For such opportunities, places in the Middle East r better suited... specifically Dubai. If $$$ r the goal, heading to the Gulf would be wisest. But then, there r plenty of us from there too, who have yet decided to call Canada our home, despite spending a considerable time, probably our entire youth, in the Arabian peninsula. Which does mean that there's something much more to look forward to in the North Americas. We all couldn't have been wrong, could we?

Job disparity
No, initially we probably will not be happy. The facilities we were used to - the social status we so difficultly achieved in our current abode - the occupational satisfaction level we had - the position (& package alongwith it) we considered our right -- would not be reached for quite some time here. In fact, most of us would have to start all over again. Make new contacts, create a fresh database, be placed at the bottom of the corporate ladder, renew our efforts at self-selling, go unnoticed, regenerate appeasement, there could/would be discrimination -- practically we'd be nobody for long time. And that, for sure, is typically disheartening for every newcomer. We should be prepared for that. If we thought there'd be a job waiting upon landing - that life would move with the same steam - we would be living in a fools paradise. The first few days (actually months) would be immensely difficult.

Job prospects
But, there's a solace in knowing that this wouldn't last forever. Upon the initial attrition phase, mostly all newcomers start doing something, mainly fetch a job. And over a period of time, nearly all get the going correct. Things start falling into place - opportunities knock the door - some strategies r made - some gates open - the fact remains that all of us would be gainfully employed, no one remains jobless here, in Canada, unless s/he wants it that way! That's my theory. And no, it's not whimsical, it's gained thru my graying hair. As always, let me state again, I'm yet to see any of my friends/peers/colleagues/relatives in any form of occupational discomfiture, anytime, from the day they landed here. None of the ppl I know have remained w/out a job, for any considerable time. U may blame it to the company I keep - but then, why should u keep such company, which remains on self-destructive mode?

Why Canada?
Remember, we took the plunge; & reached here, 'coz of certain specific & tangible benefits. It was a long sighted affair. Something to do more than mere $$$. We have a goal... a dream to settle well... provide our families an indisputable quality of life... a social security par excellence... spend our life in a Welfare State that looks after it's citizens... a geo-political system which is not based on mere promises... an economy that's growing by the day... a place where there's something to look forward to -- Yes, that's Canada to everyone! -- there's tremendous Es-Spirit-De-Corps here! And definitely, we all did our homework before taking the plunge. Ppl may say anything, but I'm yet to see a guy going back, everyone remains here, the system caters for all eventualities. There's hope in the air - there's much to achieve - there's a lifestyle to enjoy - our families love it here! Check with them!

So, Brother, keep your goals in sight (always) & join the bandwagon! U'd not regret. This is the place to be!

As with your specific field of expertise - pls be reminded that we have couple of members in our Friends' Circle who belong to your profession. Some exactly doing your kind of work/s - & all of them r employed. So would u be!

All the best !



Champion Member
Mar 29, 2010
New Delhi India
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New Delhi
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Re: A MASTER THREAD of some of my posts here >>>

qorax said:
Dear all,

This is in response to some members' perceivable fright against not finding a job after landing.

Always think positive... Why would u come-up to that situation? Why do u think that after 'landing' u wouldn't find any job?

Let me assure u that contrary to whatever some members opine on this forum, there's no dearth of work here. Jobs r galore... yes, no one says that the going would be easy in the abinitio period - u may not find a work to your utmost liking, for sometime, but u'd definitely have a job - one which would put the meals on your table (as Leon puts it).

It'd not be rosy in the start - but at the same time it'd not be dark till eternity as well. I have plenty of friends/peers/relatives here - none of them have been w/out a job from 2-3 months of landing... Some since 10-12 yrs now have been consistently employed, even during the recession (which anyway didn't affect Canada much).

-I've not divulged the real names & their companies.
-Most of them r with the forums.
-I've many more examples too.[/color]

The foregoing is my attempt to mitigate everyone's doubts about the job situation here. It's not difficult to fetch one - provided we have the right mindset. Ability, for sure, each one of us have, that's why we r into this foray, aren't we?

The examples would prove that I'm not talking bull, or am being too optimistic, as few had opined earlier, on some other threads.

Moreover, Immigration to Canada is not for making money, for which the Middle East (Dubai specifically) would be a better option, we r here for enhancing our living - our lifestyle, more so - for our family, our kids... their future is secured here, much better than our homelands (probably) - that's why we originally thought about immigrating, didn't we? We need to keep that focussed. Jobs or a business, we'd anyway do, once we r here. No one goes hungry in Canada ! But, a good-living is guaranteed ! No wonder Canada is consistently voted to be the best place to live & raise a family !

Remember: Perseverance pays !


Great work Sir !
thanks for such a nice posting.


VIP Member
Apr 7, 2010
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22 July 2011
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14 -Jul- 2011 Passport send on 26-Jul-11
Re: A MASTER THREAD of some of my posts here >>>

Dear Quorex,

How much low score in Ielts affect case .

If some one only requires cover only 7 points to reach magic figure 67 via IELTS ?

So what if he gets 8 points via IELTS with Avg of 6 Band ? Does it effect Case ?

what are the chances of rejection boz of low score in IELTS ?

Please let me know.




VIP Member
Nov 21, 2009
Brampton, Canada
Visa Office......
Re: A MASTER THREAD of some of my posts here >>>

mayankpandya said:
Dear Quorex,

How much low score in Ielts affect case .

If some one only requires cover only 7 points to reach magic figure 67 via IELTS ?

So what if he gets 8 points via IELTS with Avg of 6 Band ? Does it effect Case ?

what are the chances of rejection boz of low score in IELTS ?

Please let me know.



We have seen a couple of cases being turned-down due to low IELTS score here. Definitely the going is getting tougher now. However, an avg band of 6 should be Ok. Nonetheless, it's always wise to strive for an avg of 6.5 (with an indiv score of not less than 6 in each) -- that makes your situation safe.



VIP Member
Apr 7, 2010
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PER on 24- MAR- 2011.
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In-Process on 30 May 2011
Med's Request
14 July 2011
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22 July 2011
Passport Req..
14 -Jul- 2011 Passport send on 26-Jul-11
Re: A MASTER THREAD of some of my posts here >>>

Thanks dear.

qorax said:

We have seen a couple of cases being turned-down due to low IELTS score here. Definitely the going is getting tougher now. However, an avg band of 6 should be Ok. Nonetheless, it's always wise to strive for an avg of 6.5 (with an indiv score of not less than 6 in each) -- that makes your situation safe.



VIP Member
Nov 21, 2009
Brampton, Canada
Visa Office......
Re: A MASTER THREAD of some of my posts here >>>

Some Canadian Trivia

1. The Maple leaf.
World's most widely used national insignia. We stamp the leaf on everything.
2. Eh!
Place it anywhere buddy... our most versatile word.
3. Milk in bags.
We have forgotten jugs, bottles or tetrapacks.
4. Jim Carrey.
Probably "Liar-Liar" & "Mask" wouldn't have been the same without him.
5. William Shatner.
Can we ever imagine "Starship Enterprise" without him. “Beam me up, Scotty!”
6. Celine Dion.
And how about Titanic without her rendition? "Our hearts will go on".
7. Canadian bacon.
The movie aside - this Bacon is just great!
8. Niagara Falls.
It isn't the highest, but show me one guy who doesn't recognize it. BTW, which is the highest? How many know about that?
9. Tim Hortons.
Canada runs on it, an enterprise of national pride. Here we really have to search for a location where it isn't available. Only in Canada!
10. Roberta Bondar.
The first Canadian woman in space and the first neurologist.
11. RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police).
Worlds most stylish police force.
12. Ellesmere Island.
More polar bears than people make their homes here.
13. The Dempster Highway.
475 miles of former sled dog trail. Through the Arctic Circle. Only people with stout vehicles, spare gas cans & tires, and the ability to change a flat tire need move this way.
14. Trivial Pursuit.
Educating the world on little known facts since 1982.
15. Maple syrup.
No one eats plain pancakes after all.
16. The Carmanah Giant.
314 feet tall. 31 feet in diameter.
17. Canada Dry Ginger Ale.
Available worldwide since 1904.
18. Lake of the Woods.
65,000 miles of shoreline and over 14,542 islands.
19. McIntosh apples.
A Dundela, Ontario produce - which travels the world over.
20. Canola oil.
Today the world cooks with it.



VIP Member
Apr 7, 2010
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New Delhi
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PER on 24- MAR- 2011.
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In-Process on 30 May 2011
Med's Request
14 July 2011
Med's Done....
22 July 2011
Passport Req..
14 -Jul- 2011 Passport send on 26-Jul-11
Re: A MASTER THREAD of some of my posts here >>>

Good information

qorax said:
Some Canadian Trivia

1. The Maple leaf.
World's most widely used national insignia. We stamp the leaf on everything.
2. Eh!
Place it anywhere buddy... our most versatile word.
3. Milk in bags.
We have forgotten jugs, bottles or tetrapacks.
4. Jim Carrey.
Probably "Liar-Liar" & "Mask" wouldn't have been the same without him.
5. William Shatner.
Can we ever imagine "Starship Enterprise" without him. “Beam me up, Scotty!”
6. Celine Dion.
And how about Titanic without her rendition? "Our hearts will go on".
7. Canadian bacon.
The movie aside - this Bacon is just great!
8. Niagara Falls.
It isn't the highest, but show me one guy who doesn't recognize it. BTW, which is the highest? How many know about that?
9. Tim Hortons.
Canada runs on it, an enterprise of national pride. Here we really have to search for a location where it isn't available. Only in Canada!
10. Roberta Bondar.
The first Canadian woman in space and the first neurologist.
11. RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police).
Worlds most stylish police force.
12. Ellesmere Island.
More polar bears than people make their homes here.
13. The Dempster Highway.
475 miles of former sled dog trail. Through the Arctic Circle. Only people with stout vehicles, spare gas cans & tires, and the ability to change a flat tire need move this way.
14. Trivial Pursuit.
Educating the world on little known facts since 1982.
15. Maple syrup.
No one eats plain pancakes after all.
16. The Carmanah Giant.
314 feet tall. 31 feet in diameter.
17. Canada Dry Ginger Ale.
Available worldwide since 1904.
18. Lake of the Woods.
65,000 miles of shoreline and over 14,542 islands.
19. McIntosh apples.
A Dundela, Ontario produce - which travels the world over.
20. Canola oil.
Today the world cooks with it.



VIP Member
Nov 21, 2009
Brampton, Canada
Visa Office......
Re: A MASTER THREAD of some of my posts here >>>

Hi Qorax, hope you are doing well. Can you please tell me some couple of things,

1)Firstly I applied to vienna office in 2007 and doc request in april - may 2009 and I sent all the requested docs in July 2009. Since then I haven't heard anything from them and now its more than 15 months since they have taken any steps for my case. do u think its normal ?

2) secondly regarding my bank statement, I had to actually withdraw money from my bank and had to transfer the funds to another bank due to some reason. now do u think it can have any problem bcoz i think since its more than 15 months i hope they will ask again for bank statement and i thought at that time i can show it again. what do u think?

Looking for ur expert views,

(A) Delays, if any, in our case processing could be due to:
1. Background checks; &/or
2. CHC wise backlog [aka queue].

U need to check the Vienna CHC timeframe [thru the CIC website] to know that.

(B) Proof of Funds [POF]:
Once u submit the POF, with initial apps, it's not a compulsion to keep the funds locked, or maintain the same a/c, or the same bank, or the same financial portfolio. U r free to modify that - to your liking/requirement. Similarly, regular transactions r also acceptable.

However, under most circumstances, the CHC would ask u for a repeat POF [usually with the meds] -- hereon u must try & maintain the POF. No, not full - some transactions r again Ok - but u should maintain at least 75% of the required POF. This could be in any format, under any protfolio.

Thus, Relax on this aspect.



Hero Member
Jan 14, 2009
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Feb 25th 2009 ( at Sydney)
December 29th
Re: A MASTER THREAD of some of my posts here >>>

Hi Qorax,

How about when you land, is it enough to have the required minimum POF (i,e 16,700 for a family of three)
Or does it have to equal what you stated in the application stage?


VIP Member
Nov 21, 2009
Brampton, Canada
Visa Office......
Re: A MASTER THREAD of some of my posts here >>>

Honolulu said:
Hi Qorax,

How about when you land, is it enough to have the required minimum POF (i,e 16,700 for a family of three)
Or does it have to equal what you stated in the application stage?
For Landing Funds - just the min required, as per CIC table, is enough.



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Apr 7, 2010
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PER on 24- MAR- 2011.
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14 July 2011
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22 July 2011
Passport Req..
14 -Jul- 2011 Passport send on 26-Jul-11
Re: A MASTER THREAD of some of my posts here >>>

Dear Qorex,

I have 2 questions for form filling.

(1) In Form IMM0008_1e ( Sechdule -1 Back Ground Dec. form ) there is section 10 for Education. How to fill that column.What is the number to be fill in box ( Primary education , High School , Univeristy / college , Trade school ) ?

I have 10+2 then 2 years of Diploma in Pharmacy then 3 years of Bachelor in Commputer application then 2 years of Master in Business Administration. Also should i write with most recent details . I mean fill MBA - BCA-D.Pharmacy- 12 th - 10th ?

(2) In form number IMM5406E ( Additional Family information) , what to write in applicant column when this form is fill by my Wife ?

Do i need to write My wife name in Applicant column when she fill it ? And my name in Spouse ?

Please let me know



asif ghouri

Hero Member
Nov 2, 2009
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IELTS Request
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Decision Made 13-04-2012
Re: A MASTER THREAD of some of my posts here >>>

qorax said:

We have seen a couple of cases being turned-down due to low IELTS score here. Definitely the going is getting tougher now. However, an avg band of 6 should be Ok. Nonetheless, it's always wise to strive for an avg of 6.5 (with an indiv score of not less than 6 in each) -- that makes your situation safe.

dear skipper would u give me a link where two cases were turned down due to low IELTS score. i think they were questioned to improve English proficency not rejected and were given 60 days to improve.


VIP Member
Nov 21, 2009
Brampton, Canada
Visa Office......
Re: A MASTER THREAD of some of my posts here >>>

Is it Ok to apply at the age of 45?

I just want to know how does CIC look at aged applicants like above 40. Do aged applicats get lesser attention by the CIC even though they qualify on points table.

Would it be adviseable to apply at the age of 45 - having around 69 points in hand !!

Also i have noticed that there has been very thin temdency of individuals above 40 applying these days.Most of the applicants on this forum that have applied or planning to apply are under 40. Please guide.
Rest assured that there r many applicants in your age bracket.
It's perfectly Ok to immigrate anytime - however, younger the better...


'Coz, at a higher age bracket we r ought have been settled well - wherever we r - and post "landing", we'd have to start "all over again" - which might be a bit of a situation with most ppl.

Nonetheless, there r scores & scores of ppl who take that plunge at that age - and r doing well here as well. Remember, the Canadian PR is more about our "kids" rather than us... the system wants them, more than us here... so, your case'd progress usually - no adversities there due to a higher age.

RELAX & enjoy the ride!
