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contacting the MP of your city!


Hero Member
Apr 24, 2012
Anyone had a face-to-face appointment with his MP?!! If yes, what should you bring into your conversation with him other than the length of processing and the way they are doing files now!! Thanks!


Champion Member
Apr 25, 2013
Job Offer........
egyo said:
Anyone had a face-to-face appointment with his MP?!! If yes, what should you bring into your conversation with him other than the length of processing and the way they are doing files now!! Thanks!
Check this link from the Canadian Council of Refugees for really helpful tips about how to have a successful meeting with your MP:

Organize a meeting with your MP to talk about your concerns

1) Find out how to contact your MP – go to: http://bit.ly/qyxfKQ
-Try to arrange a meeting of at least 30 minutes. In all cases, make sure you know how much time your MP has given to you and don't plan for more.

2) Planning your meeting:
-Gather a group of 2-3 people (preferably people who live in the MP's riding)
-Try to include at least one person who is personally affected by an issue you are raising.
-Review CCR resources for important discussion points and additional information (both for you, and to give to your MP). Read the documents on concerns regarding your issue, and consult the relevant CCR webpages:
-Make sure that everyone in your group is comfortable discussing the points and information that you will bring up during your meeting
-Stick to the 2-3 most important points you want to discuss in the meeting.
-Find out what your MP thinks or has said on the issues. Go to: www.parl.gc.ca or www.openparliament.ca for more information on how s/he has voted and what s/he has said in the House of Commons.
-Prepare and gather relevant documents that you will give to your MP during your meeting.

3) During the meeting:
-Introduce yourself, your interest in the topic, as well as any community groups that you represent/that you are a member of.
-Be clear and precise
-Present your issues, and illustrate them with concrete examples. Local examples are always helpful.
-Explain why your MP should be concerned, for example: How does this issue affect individuals in his/her riding?
-Ask your MP for concrete actions:
-Give your MP a summary of the issues you've raised and the policy positions that you suggest.
-Offer yourself as a resource, and ask if there is any further information that s/he needs on this issue.

4) After the meeting:

-Send a letter to thank your MP for the meeting and include any additional information from your discussion. Respond to any other points that you had agreed to during the meeting.
-Send a summary of your meeting and any follow-up questions or actions to the CCR at: cfrench @ ccrweb.ca[/list]