Hi: I am a Canadian Citizen and my boyfriend lives in China and is from Iran. We have been together for almost a year now and I fly back and forth from Canada and China. He has applied for a holiday visa to Canada and was declined so i have to go to him he cannot come to me. he passed his security check but was told his travel history was not extensive enough, and that he could re-apply again should his situation change. He cannot travel anywhere as people from Iran are not welcome anywhere! It is very taxing on us as i have a 13 year old child that I have to either bring with me or try to have her father take care of her while i go. now, my boyfriends business in China is starting to fail due to the economy in Iran as he exports goods from China to Iran. He may now have to move back to Iran. If that happens I can never see him again as I cannot go to Iran with the state of that country it is not safe for me. Would we qualify for a conugal visa?