Stuff like a signed lease showing both of your names as tennants at the same address, bills in both of your names, both of your IDs showing the same address, etc. You'd also need to prove that you share finances, so things like joint bank accounts or proof of transferring funds between your accounts is also good.Correct. The living together for 12 months is the current challenge. She "lived" with me in NZ for her last 3 months there and I have been "living" with her for the past 5 months in Brazil (but unfortunately have to return to Canada to work in 3 weeks). It would be difficult to prove living together during these times as we did not have any mail or bills directed to these addresses. What is generally required as proof of living together?
Also, to answer the other question I saw you ask, yes your application will 100% be rejected, especially if she has an ETA. There's nothing stopping her from coming to Canada and marrying you, or coming to Canada and living with you there (extending her visitor stay to be with you a year). I mean, I know that there are practical reasons to not do that (e.g. she can't work if she is just there as a visitor), but conjugal partnerships are defined as a relationship where there are both legal and immigration barriers preventing you from otherwise living as a married or common law partner. Think situations where same sex relationships or divorce are illegal, and both parties can show they have been unsuccessful at securing long stay visas elsewhere. Because there have been no legal barriers to you being able to see each other, you 100% don't qualify as conjugal. Best bet is to withdraw this application, get married and sponsor her as your spouse.