Well....PNP seems to be the only option then! And ontario is not even giving out NOIs from a long time! So if the only thing that can be done by all of us is wait, why not be positive about it??
When the government was talking about increasing the ITA's per round which would subsequently lead to a decrease in CRS points, no one could predict that the ITA/round would be lowered to 1000 or the CRS to increase to 470.
I'm sure at this point too, though the available facts make it seem like it's impossible for things to change for the better, I'm sure they would.
Story from my perspective :
Liberal promised favourable immigration changes to express entry / international student.
But on humanitarian grounds had to support the Syrian refugees first, who without a doubt needed help on an IMMEDIATE BASIS.
So, if we have seen this government go out of its way to help those affected in Syria, i don't think it would neglect troubled INLANDERS.
Especially after the Immigration minister having come across this flaw/shortfall of Express Entry and having pledged to make changes in order to help.
Keep your Spirits High, Good News would surely come soon!
Probably not in the next draw, but surely very soon,
REMEMBERThe beauty of immigration is that to win this game, you only need to succeed once. And that we shall!