DukesArcher said:
I'd never marry someone just to gain access to Canada. Should the 12 months start as soon as I landed as we have been living at her dad's house. The only reason I got 6 months is because they went and spoke to her dad.
If you can't prove any cohabitation from the Uk then yes, the clock would basically start from when you arrived in Canada.
Make sure to collect as much proof as possible such as:
- get her dad to make you an official rental/lease contract (even if you aren't paying anything)
- get mail delivered to the address to establish residency there
- get a joint bank account and/or supplemental credit card with your partner that shows same address on 1 statement
- help pay for utilities at the home
- get life insurance on each other
etc etc
You will need to request an extension to your current visitor status when your time is almost up (so around the 5-month mark). Some people have gotten a 12 month extension. Once you guys reach the 12-month mark, then you can apply for PR.
Unfortunately there is no way to work during the whole process if just on visitor status.