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Common law partner proof ?


May 6, 2013
I lived with my GF for over 2.5 years, the longest we've been away one-another maybe 36hours at a max, so we definitely qualify for common-law but I have a problem with the form to prove that!!!

I am an illegal immigrant in Philippines, i have no paper trail, no Philippines bank account or anything except using visa cards to transfer money from abroad(my spending here is the only official paper i can produce basically*), my partner has not much more papers either. We have photos, but not many and unless you evaluate the "aging" there is no proof of dates or timestamps!? we have a child together, which is the reason for my re-settlin in Canada.

*not sure that showing that i buy the same brand tampons for 3 years is a proof!!!

On top of that, I have been in Canada maybe once in like 15years, not that i am no canadian(i only have one nationality:Canadian) but I've been traveling all over ever since i left is all.

So they asked:"what other documentary evidence do you have that would indicate your relationship as com
mon-law partners"

So I ask, what does that mean... literally?


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It means that you must provide hard proof that you have lived together at the same address for at least one year. This proof can include: shared property ownership, shared rental agreements, shared utility bills, shared bank account statements showing a joint address, letters sent to the same address, affidavit from landlord confirming both of you live at the same address. Ideally you should provide several different types of proof to show you are common law.


Jun 21, 2010
You have a child together is proof enough, however any documentation will help a lot. Bills you paid together, insurance slips, pictures (5-10 pictures with major events in your life). Rental receipts are very important, a letter from landlord will help.
The child is Canadian since you are Canadian, so if you have not got his/her canadian citizenship yet I recommend you go to a consulate and get it.

You may have to also provide explanation to Canadian Authorities as to why you were illegal in another country, when you sponsor your partner.



Champion Member
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May 30, 2013
I sent u an inbox message with all the proof we sent,
u wont be able to reply though, because it doesn't allow u to answer back until you have made 10 posts.


May 6, 2013
Thanks, guys.

I should be able to get sworn statements from my old landlords, still thin though... any other weird thing that could work? I could get a doctors statement too if that helps (I remember they asked for that when doing passports maybe that works for proof too).

Being in a country where women don't work, and all is dealt cash-in hand, it's difficult to think of anything except affidavit as i don;t put her name on leases and such.

I will process the baby as soon as i get the paperwork done here(Pinoys tends to takes a bit longer with paperwork, hehe), but as it's 10months + the time to get the paperwork ready and forms and process etc... maybe that will be enough, *** is that what you are saying [joeb123]?

For the illegality, well they don't care about that, i did ask and Embassy didn't reply and consulate said something stupid like"there is nothing to do" as usual(the consulate here cannot be of any help, and they were clear about it, all they do is to double check your answers to forms in case you forget a checkbox and send paperwork to manila for you for free, NOTHING ELSE) I really don't know if it's a big deal affecting the sponsoring, I would think my not living in canada for all those years would be a bigger issue(i am only illegal because i had money problem and couldn't pay the touist-visa here, then with the late-fee i am now in the "Bribe" category and hesitate dealing with that just yet)
*** do you mean i should think about using a family member instead of trying to sponsor myself as i am in a weird situation [joeb123]?

Steph C

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tiptip said:
*not sure that showing that i buy the same brand tampons for 3 years is a proof!!!
OMG.. you can buy Tampons in the Phils! Wow, I can save a lot of luggage space next time.. whew :D :D :D Tell me your store :D

Your child together is big proof. Do you have a bank account in both your names? I'm not Filipino either but me and my (conjugal) partner opened an account together.
Pictures together, letters from friends, flight tickets from travel inside the country.. sometimes a hotel will write your name on the reciept.. letters from neighbours or barangay captains that you are a couple.. text messages back and forth (I supplied screenshots)

They might question why you can't marry. Even though they aren't supposed to they will probably wonder.

We didn't have a joint lease. My partner (male, and I'm female) had a signed lease and I provided evidence of my communication and money transfers to the landlord. Some of this included text messages back and forth about the rent.

One thing you will have to prove.. even though you are Canadian - is that you intend to settle in Canada once you have your visa. This is really important. People in the past have drawn together a settlement plan, looking for jobs or with a job offer, letter from relatives to let them stay there until they can find a home, or evidence of looking for jobs and homes etc.

I don't think CEM will care that you are illegal.


May 6, 2013
Ahaha, i know, they just started selling tampons, still rare though, but i was just giving an example (she don't use tampons much yet) :p

sounds better than I though, we are planing to marry in canada, settle there and all so on that side that should be good. Family-helping out, looking for job etc.

I think i am pretty cover on everything but "official paperwork", that's why i was asking for unusual paperwork that would help.

I'll double-up on statements and affidavit i guess, i mean we are not a suspicious case unless they doubt we are saying the truth, i would doubt an interview would leave any doubts.*

*do they ever interview to asses "common-law proof" or is it only handled by mail?

Thanks again, i will have more later... Canadian bureaucracy is a bit over the top sometimes and even if they are lenient at times, they do leave a lot of questions open when you don't fit the form, this forum is amazing though with all these opinions and help!

Steph C

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tiptip said:
Ahaha, i know, they just started selling tampons, still rare though, but i was just giving an example (she don't use tampons much yet) :p

sounds better than I though, we are planing to marry in canada, settle there and all so on that side that should be good. Family-helping out, looking for job etc.

I think i am pretty cover on everything but "official paperwork", that's why i was asking for unusual paperwork that would help.

I'll double-up on statements and affidavit i guess, i mean we are not a suspicious case unless they doubt we are saying the truth, i would doubt an interview would leave any doubts.*

*do they ever interview to asses "common-law proof" or is it only handled by mail?

Thanks again, i will have more later... Canadian bureaucracy is a bit over the top sometimes and even if they are lenient at times, they do leave a lot of questions open when you don't fit the form, this forum is amazing though with all these opinions and help!
You sound like you're good! The kid is great proof :D They would interview if you didn't provide enough commonlaw proof. I'm Conjugal and my interview was waived. So I think you should be fine. Before any interview they would ask for more documentary evidence. Come and join us for the long wait in the Manila English thread, we need some young blood in there, looks like most of us are going to get our visas soon!