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common law husband included in application for ainp


Full Member
Apr 16, 2009
hi..question to some senior members of the forum(bc guy, leon..etc) please help me. i was nominated by my employer for ainp here in alberta,and will submit the app.this june, im single by status, and i have a common law husb, and we have 2 kids, weve been together for almost 9 years.he is previously married to her first wife, and he file for annulment las 2001, unfortunately until now, decisions are not yet made, we dont even have prob with her ex wife coz shes also into common law rel.my question is, what are the documents i need to include in my application for my common law husband, i asked several people, but they says that my case is kinda rare..is a document of legal separation from our lawyer in the phils signed by my common law and her ex wife will be enough?pls help me..im confused and running out of time coz im gonna submit it next month..thanks in advance


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
It should be enough to have a letter saying he is separated from his wife and you are living together as common law. Go to a newcomer or immigrant centre if you can find one in your town. They may have access to a free lawyer.


Full Member
Apr 16, 2009
thanks leon..im working in banff..do you have any idea where can i find the newcomer or immigrant center in my area?gladly appreciated your response to my case..thanks


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
Here is one in Calgary: http://www.immigrantservicescalgary.ca/ Call them and ask if they know if there is one in Banff