There have been many cases where the answers given over CIC phone line were not in line with what the VOs apply.cec14 said:I just called up the CIC help line and they say U can send both the scores across with explaination. So there is nothing mentioned in the website.
I don't understand how U guys are so sanguine about the rejection while there is nothing mentioned in CIC.
Anybody here in this forum got their application rejected bcoz of this reason, I want to know from such people only.....N
No guesses , only precedence will explain the situation well.
The spirit of people here is in general: Better be safe than sorry.
Myself, my first CEC apllication was rejected because of CELPIP results. When I submited my first CEC application I was not aware that as a NOC A applicant, I have to score at least 4L in each category. I scored at lest 4H on all categories except speaking where I scored 3H. I found out on this forum that my application would have been eligible under the old rule but not under the new rules. So I decided to take the CELPIP exam again and score at least 4H on all categories. Before, I file a new application, I emailed CIC (I attached the new test scores) to ask to consider my application with new test scores. They replied with a rejection email.
The good thing was: I did not have to wait 8 months to get the rejection.