This is from the CIC website, they always mention if you apply fewer than 1095 days of ohysical presence, the application will be returned but they always say at least 1095
Please read this well, this is from the CIC website, for those who credited themselves, must take that credit away
Q15: What do I do if I want to apply now?
A15: You can print the calculation and attach a copy to your Application for Canadian Citizenship - Adults. If you attach a copy, you do not need to fill in sections 6(A) and 6(B) of the application. Simply check the option 'Online Residence Calculator' in question 6(G). Make sure that the date of application used in this calculation and the date of signature on the application form and on the calculation printout are the same.
Please note that if you apply with fewer than 1,095 days of basic residence, your application will be returned to you by the Case Processing Centre in Sydney, Nova Scotia (CPC-Sydney).
If you meet basic residence but it is determined after examination of your court documents that you have fewer than 1,095 days of basic residence less time served, your application will be refused.
If you meet basic residence and/or basic residence less time served but apply with fewer than 1,095 days of physical presence, your application will be referred to a citizenship judge and your application will take longer to process. See Question 8 for more information on applying with fewer than 1,095 days of physical presence.