Thanks for the info, so looks like i will just need to do the do the PR landing trip and leave the citizenship part whislt there.
PMM - Are you sure you can only apply for citizenship with canada? Surely if my kids have PR and are living with me a citizen in the UK and we have intent to move then we can apply from the Uk?
Ive had a look through the application guide for minors and it doesnt state anywhere you have to apply in Canada from what I can see, it does state the below, which you can respond too by saying you were on a PR landing trip and info gathering trip, before making the move
"You must let us know if the child left Canada for six months or longer since becoming a permanent resident. If no, go to Section 10 of the application. If yes, give details of the time the child spent away from Canada. Use another piece of paper, if you need more space"