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CIT 0520 after citizenship test


Star Member
May 16, 2014
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I think we understand how you feel, and you have every right to feel that way. I do wonder what set off a red flag in your case though...


Full Member
Oct 20, 2014
djoli said:
When did you send the documents? it has been 4 months since you sent them and sitill have not heard back from them? I am in the same situation but for me it has only been two weeks.
still nothing

canada lover

Jan 20, 2015
If you ask I would say just my luck!! Or officer opinion!!

When I requested my ATIP report last September I noticed that the officer requested "exit entry report from the country I used to live in" which I provided them a copy of it during the interview and he/she requested Canadian border report..

I didn't receive anything till September when they requested the same report that was provided to them during the interview! 5 months went by and heard nothing.

Btw two years ago I sponsored a family member to visit me in Canada so they have all the evidence that I am residence in Canada with income that allow me sponsor a family member.. Also 4 years ago I was one of the sponsors to a family moved to Canada!! What more proof I should h
Get!! How should I feel!!


Hero Member
Oct 9, 2014
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What is your timeline? has the 36 months passed? Maybe contact your local MP. I think we need to be very proactive here. New applications are barely taking 6-8 months while old applications can take 4 years, that is simply ridiculous and unacceptable.

canada lover said:
If you ask I would say just my luck!! Or officer opinion!!

When I requested my ATIP report last September I noticed that the officer requested "exit entry report from the country I used to live in" which I provided them a copy of it during the interview and he/she requested Canadian border report..

I didn't receive anything till September when they requested the same report that was provided to them during the interview! 5 months went by and heard nothing.

Btw two years ago I sponsored a family member to visit me in Canada so they have all the evidence that I am residence in Canada with income that allow me sponsor a family member.. Also 4 years ago I was one of the sponsors to a family moved to Canada!! What more proof I should h
Get!! How should I feel!!


Hero Member
Oct 24, 2012
Do contact your MP , you can contact via e-mail. It may seem useless but I think when MP office calls CIC and ask about the application status ,it does put some pressure on Citizenship officer and shows cic that you are concerned. do order ATIP again and contact your MP. also send a case specific inquiry through cic website. All these methods compel CO to atleast open up your application.

canada lover

Jan 20, 2015

What do you suggest to order physical ATIP or electronic?

Have ever heared of a smilier situation and CIC sent rq after 520?

What's worst case scenario?


Star Member
Apr 17, 2014
canada lover said:
Folks I have the same situation I recived form 520 last September and the requested doc was sent next day so far nothing although during the interview I has provided the officer with the same doc they requested 9 months after my interview! I applied in August 2013!!! Any advise please what should I expect a reply
Hi Canadalover, did you sumbit all your paystubs &T4 slips for the whole period with cit0520?


Full Member
Oct 20, 2014
jckdry said:
I received cit 520 in oct 2014 . still waiting to hear from them
I am in the same situation as you
similar timeline
it is so frustrating
some people say it takes at least 6-7 months to get an invitation for oath


Hero Member
Oct 9, 2014
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I hope it depends how long your application has been processing. For people like myself that have been waiting for 40 months I cannot imagine it taking another 6-7 months.

montrealer69 said:
I am in the same situation as you
similar timeline
it is so frustrating
some people say it takes at least 6-7 months to get an invitation for oath


Full Member
Jul 26, 2014
I got the same letter from CIC today. After reading all of your posting, I found myself nowhere. Another 5/6 months or an year no body knows.


Hero Member
Feb 14, 2014
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torontorian said:
I got the same letter from CIC today. After reading all of your posting, I found myself nowhere. Another 5/6 months or an year no body knows.
After interview why they gave you CT-520 any reason? what kind of documents CIC is asking to submit?


Star Member
Jul 17, 2014
rayman_m said:
After interview why they gave you CT-520 any reason? what kind of documents CIC is asking to submit?
I suspect that is another tactics CIC is playing to intentionally delay our case for some hidden reasons. Why do they ask for the same documents for two times? Do you think they may ask some forms called CIT0521 for the same documents again after you submit CIT0520?


Hero Member
Oct 9, 2014
Job Offer........
Given the number of people that are now receiving CIT0520, I am now beginning to think that CIC did not bother to read the original RQs that were sent to them partly because they originally asked for too much information and are now beginning to realize that they could not possibly to read them all. This is a major issue as CIC blindly issued RQs to people when could have had their issues/concerns resolved by just requesting a few documents. This means yet another 4-6 months delay for people that have already been waiting 2+ years, this is unacceptable and a lack of regard towards applicants. It is really important for us to keep track of any developments on the CIT0520 issue and even keep the pressure on CIC so that they can maybe attempt to speed up the process.
Why are they asking pretty much the same kind of information on both the RQ and CIT0520? it does not make sense at all unless they are trying to find yet another way to delay peoples applications for no reasons. It should not take an officer more than 2 hours to make a decision on CIT0520 as the documents they are asking for are straight forward.

Please let me know your thoughts.