I agree that the CIC cap status is not updated since 10-Oct.
For a historic view see the CIC Caps tab in
FSWP 2014 Spreadsheet: http://tinyurl.com/FSW14-Spreadsheet
6/6/2014 157
6/24/2014 401
6/30/2014 491
7/7/2014 505
7/14/2014 516
7/22/2014 528
7/28/2014 555
8/12/2014 887
8/18/2014 1421
8/25/2014 1891
9/2/2014 2360
9/8/2014 2763
9/15/2014 3510
9/22/2014 4003
9/30/2014 4598
10/9/2014 5040
10/10/2014 5223