Well - we ventured a gamble and bought the plane ticket back on Nov. 28th for a Christmas Day flight - based on my feeling that we had a slight edge on being approved (additional documentation of all the usual supporting evidence & most-of-all, a wife who was ready and determined to answer anything and everything - and I add, doing so with a pleasant attitude in the face of what has become, I gather, typical condescension and rudeness coming from a battery of [guilty until proven innocent] suspicious questioning)
She got it! The golden ticket from the Beijing Embassy. They made her sweat it out tho. Had an early Monday morning (approx. 1.5 hour) interview, and was told to come back at 3pm for the results. At 3pm she returned and was told, no result, come back Tuesday at 3pm. They seemingly
don't want anyone to think this is a cakewalk. And they've obviously made it thus. I know I'm sounding less than humble here - We're actually relieved and will celebrate soon, but my question to the CIC would be, 'Is this really how we Canadians want to be represented abroad?' - There's got to be a kinder/gentler way to flush-out so-called fake marriages. Various ladies' interview results, coming after my wife's, weren't as lucky, and were refused and heartbroken.. Peoples lives are seriously deeply affected by these events. I suggest alternative reassessments, or at the very least, an option to re-interview - [prior to the long and drawn out appeals process] - which would actually be more economical for all concerns.
That said, I'm glad it's done, Thankful for all the support here! And wish everyone the best of luck, and a happy outcome.
Thank you, thank you!
all the best