I have also been following this thread for a very long time, and am deciding to share my timeline.
I am in Canada, sponsoring my husband who is in Pakistan.
Sponsorship Application = Decision Made
File sent to Ottawa: May 10, 2012
Application received: May 18, 2012
In Process: August 21, 2012
Decision made: October 25, 2012
(still have not received in writing about the decision made, even after numerous requests. do I need it?)
Permanent Residence Application = Decision Made
Application received: May 18, 2012
Went to Pakistan: March 2013
Came back to Canada: December 2013
Application transferred to London:April 11, 2014
(ONLY after many many many requests to speed things up as I was pregnant and due to deliver next month)
Had my baby: May 2014 ;D
Additional docs requested: May 15, 2014
(New Schedule A/Background Declaration form, Marriage certificate, Police Clearance, Client information, Rights of Permanent Residence Fee)
Application In process: October 8, 2014 (it said they started processing at this time- which I highly doubt since they requested additional docs back in May :

Medical requested: October 9, 2014
Medical received: October 25th, 2014
Decision Made: January 1, 2015
It's been a long wait, but Alhamdulillah, we have gotten this far.
Will be meeting my husband next month finally after one year

and he will be meeting his daughter for the first time. ;D
Please make dua for us.
My questions are:
1) The letter I was supposed to receive October 25th 2012, should I continue to ask for it or just leave it? I called the center and the lady told me it wasn't that important, so I had dropped this issue.
2) What are the next steps?
3) Do you think our applications has been approved? On Ecas we have been told: A decision has been made on [applicant]'s application. The office will contact [applicant] concerning this decision. Will they be mailing a letter? How long now? Do you see any reason why it could be rejected?