APAK said:
Guys is the Ottawa timeline 12 or 15 months.
And are there Ottawa cases which are not done within this 15 month timeline??
Please really.lots of bigs decisions this year tied up with question
i dont mean this completely on you (As i am quoting you)...
no-body here knows for sure where there file is from 2012 cases that is... all of it is pure speculation... we thgt it was in isl, than the whole ott thing exploded, and then we thgt its in isl and not etc etc... we all have to wait with no sure fire certainty and assume where our file is... ott or isl... eventually it will be in isl... and processed out of there not ott... ott itself is back logged big time from buffalo, so dont expect anything to come out of there soon...
safest bet is a TON of Patience and then some more after getting your stage 1 cleared... mostly i have seen cases getting done around 15-16 months of time on average... wait for that time from the date you got the letter/email saying your file has been transfered whether to isl/ott (or where ever you believe it is at, i believe mine is at mars

)... if in that time you dont hear nothing, apply for gcms notes and see whats happening to your case... then you should be more keen about how things are... if your file is processed b4 that congratz, but you have to wait atleast that long... we all are unfortunately... nothing can be done about it but wait or pray...
it is a very *censored word*ty situation, we are all stuck in between on our lives, cant make decisions that need to be made or could have been made very easily otherwise... but we have to live with this bitter pill... in one way or another find a way to put up with it... or you will lose your sanity...
so best thing is drop by once a while and take a peek at how are things rolling... i see sep/oct/nov 2011 cases getting remeds or ppr's at the moment mine is in may 2012 so no point fretting about it right now... gotta wait till may 2012 cases are hearing news and then if it goes to july or august 2012 and i dont see anything on my file i will panic, till then just waiting...