Pakistanis are only concerned with money, buying the biggest houses in Miss/Oakville and having most expensive cars. They brag about that and call it a day. Very few are successful or reach in good positions. Rest are working crappy jobs in survival mode. They have accepted this status in society, be it the first generation or the next ones. Just have a look at elections in Pakistan, the stupid qaum gives votes to the same theives all the time. Nothing has changed at all.speedstah said:They already have the South Asian community vote in their pocket. Have you seen India's processing times? Max 6 months or so! But then the Indians are active in politics, they volunteer for political parties, raise funds for them and then accordingly get their interests served. Many other minorities do the same.
Why would any party in power care about Pakistanis? Do you see any involvement of us Pakistanis in politics, community servicing, heck even in legislature? Zero representation anywhere.Mississauga has one of the highest concentration of Pakistanis and they don't even have a single Pakistani on the city council. All we do is whine, complain, say all sorts of religious words and just pray everything will be okay.
It is pretty comical at times. You can view this above point in action on this forum itself.
You can complain and pray as much as you want unless you get involved yourself with the people who make up the legislature, nothing will change.
So get out there support a political party (Liberals) which is closely aligned with your interests, volunteer for them, donate to them and be part of the change for once!
The processing times increased during the Liberals tenure also, they didn't do much either. Security situation used to be good decades ago anyway
I think the NDP is a better choice.