Oh dear!
in Hubby wify relation...neva Eva let dis "whoz right n whoz wrong"thng come.....
I hav gone through dis stage of long distance relation suffering......n blv me its hell....but its all a game of nerves n stayng united.....
Both of u r away right now....first accept dis thng dat u two r not two...u guys r one.....make it very clear to urself....u guys r one....aftr dis question of right n wrong wont pop up.....
Noe handling distance....hmmmm....for us my Hubby is 1 week working n one week off....but he loves working...he did hell of overtime last yr....when hes working we used to call twice a day....when he wad going to work n I will put n alarm to get up to talk to him....n blv me I had to grt up ad early as 4am to catch him begore gettng to work......when his shift changes...he used to put an alarm to call me ....he gets a sleep on only 6hrs a day...I seriously salute him fot his nerves.....n there were times when he was really tired n got mad at me...but hey wats da big deal?

hes ma Hubby...am made frm him....Allah SWT made me so he can relax when hes talkng to me...so I wod just shut up n listen

let him go to work not gettng angry on him....then we wod talk when he is going bak......thngs went much much wrong sometimed but we neva stopped talkng....n blv me communication is a solution to every problem.....so NEVA STOP TALKNG TO UR SOUL MATE N UR HEREAFTER PARTNER
look at da positive side he loves u...he misses u....he gets angry when he dont get to talk to u

dats coz he needs u.....take it positively....talk to him...dont ignore these dmall thngs...they ultimately effect relation......
detez a silent pact btwn me n ma Hubby...when hes angru I shutup n when am angry he stays silent...n nlv me when am angry he gets a resl scolding

n he listens it like a gud child....lol....
N after 1hr we sit n laugh over our fights

dats da beauty of dis relation...ur frnds,ur love birds,ur eachothers teachers, hez ur protector, ur his princess......
N blv me u gal hav all charms dat wont let him scold u anytime

learn using them...lol....alright now am gettng bold...so lets make a stop here..
So dear just talk over thngs when they get wrong...n a gal to gal advice......its da woman who alwsys changes....we r made from hubbys flexible bones....so accept dis fact....n dat bone is close to his heart...so protect his heart..try to keep his heart in ur hands....
If u guys love eachother...then thetes no problem in chsnging for him....n ofcourse for right reaso n right thngs.....be flexible ...thetes no ego in dis relation.....
N apologies for spelling mistakes...am typng frm mobile

gud luck ...call him up n let him knw how much u love him....