Answer to your questions are below (in red):
1. Our marriage is 200% genuine

its just that we wanted to have the rukhsati after I get my pr visa. So, while filing the application, would submitting photos of our nikah ceremony, our skype call/chat log, our viber messages log, receipts of gifts sent to my wife through amazon and other similar evidences help us escape the notorious "marriage of convenience" accusation and resulting painful delays?
As long as you can prove to the immigration officer (or whatever he/she is called
that your marriage is genuine and that it has been consummated then there shouldn't be any issues. I will share my story/experience with you...
We didn't do Rukhsati due to objections from both sides of the families. However, I did ask my uncle to have a wedding card printed that showed we had "Rukhsati" done. Also on one of the forms (cant remember the number), where the applicant provides tons of information, there is a question inquiring whether the couple lived together. I said yes and entered the dates (week long) only, proving that our marriage was consummated. For reception question, I said that it will be held in Toronto when my wife gets here. For Honeymoon question, I stated that I didn't have enough vacation time left to go on a honeymoon and thus we'll go after the process is complete.
I haven't visited my wife since the process began nor have i submitted any additional documents on voluntarily basis. Yet, the Immigration officer declared that our relationship was genuine and had been consummated, and therefore no additional information was required/needed.
Provide as much proof of contact/financial support as you can now. They will accept skype call logs, e-mails regardless of the channel, phone logs as long as they clearly show a communication between you and your wife. I submitted skype logs, e-mails from facebook and hotmail. I also submitted transfer money receipts, from nov 11 - feb 12, proving that I am financially supporting my wife.
"Photos must represent celebration as per local norms on good scale." I submitted about 20 photos from our mehndi ceremony and 30 from our wedding ceremony. For post-wedding photos, I submitted about 7 or 8 of them from lunches/dinners we had together over a week.
2. If in case you guys think that these evidences wont be sufficient, how and when should we plan the rukhsati assuming that we are filing the application to CIC Mississauga in this month i.e. July 2012?
I believe i took some risks. If you want to play safe, then you should do rukhsati as soon as you can. Between now and early next year would be my suggestion. And then submit the appropriate documents/proofs/photos immediately after.
3. Do they accept call and messages logs of internet telephony applications such as skype and viber as enough evidence cuz we rarely use actual mobile telephony due to obvious cost difference?
Yes they will accept call and message logs from skype. If "viber" logs are more or less similar to skype logs then it should be okay to submitted logs from viber. I hardly ever called my wife; I either skyped or communicated via e-mails.
Anyways, suggestions/experience expressed here represent my own. Other members may differ.
Good luck with the process!