shaikh786 said:
what do u mean? i don't understand about this conditional visa. If they really want to apply dis law in 2011 applied people den they should reduce the duration of our process. Because no matter in the end we are still getting that conditional visa. So there is no point for them to taking dis so long .
INSHALLAH we all get Remedicals,PPR and Passport with Stamped ASAP.
yes it is hard to understand but if you look at the policy changes in past
all the applications that get filed under the old policy they get processed under the old policy
and the reason it might be taking long for them to process our application is that they might be in process of implementing the new law
but that is highly unlikely because so far according to my limited knowledge the legislation has not been passed by legislatures
they did propose the law and right now they are taking all the stake holders in confidence
and whole bunch of other fancy actions sugar coated with fancy words
because really in my opinion the stake holders they think are stake holders in this matter have nothing to do with this law
if anything they should be asking us about that and taking our opinion on that
not the opinion of human rights organizations
i think it is a good law it should be implemented right away
its good for sponsor good for applicant good a common family that is planing to come to canada
this will filter out all the fraudulent cases
i dont know why would any human rights organization pick a bone with government on this issue but as it turns out they do have there a reason for stopping this law from coming in place