Aoa there
I hav a first cousion marriage......avoiding interview doesnt only depend on sending lots of proofs....someother factors can also get u end up in dis que....but ofcourse they r very rare
I can share with u mine time of submittng application ( now I realize) how weak my case was.didnt send muchof da proofs n pics....with I had rcvd aor letter last yr in July it was written in my letter " wat wod u do if ur case gets refused (Allahforbids for me n everyone else)?
I get all of our Skype chance me n my Hubby had our first n sir names as our Skype ids...I guess dat did hell if a job.
One gud thng my Hubby did was he immediately started sendng me money from there through money gram...advising to keep da reciepts.I haf submitted those aswell.
Submitted all those pics we had bwen going out together.alot more pics frm wedding.
Save all his/her boardng passes(if didnt hav them but for everyones help)am sayng,all his/her tickets.send prints of arrivg n deprtur stamps on spouses passportdmy case when I submitted my proofs my Hubby had already planned his next trip to pk n had bought dat workd in our favour.we submitted that intentional future trip ticket ad well.
Me n my Hubby had once gone to Seychelles as re-creatinaol trip.we saved da reciepts of our resort.our bills from there n shopping reciepts.aling with that prints of arrvng/dept stsmps from our passports n prints of our tickets.I guess dis one trip was da major reason for my file to not end up in interview que.
I submitted prints of our mobile bills.his is pistpaud n mine is prepaid.we got prints of all bills for ebery month immefiately aftr marriage.we used to call twice a day in is workng werk n tond of timed in his off week.n call durations were in hrs not minutes

.guys keep in mind all cpnnections in pk dont give ur call histories (dialed n rcvd numbers) mine connection had only started giving these details few monrhs bsk when I neefed for his bills wefor 16 submitted details months
I just hope all dis info can help ppl in future.
Blessings for all of u.