Thanks Spyfy: Sorry for bothering you again.
My complete information about my stay in Canada is as follows
entered Canada Sep. 2010,
left from Feb 2012 - July 2012, and
left from July 1, 2013 - Jan 10, 2014
Since Jan 10, 2014 I haven't left Canada except a few days
landed May 6, 2015.
Since landing I left only a few days to US on different period of times.
Hope this information is relevant now, am I eligible to apply? and what about police certificate ?
Please follow these rules to determine if you are eligible to apply:
- Take the day you want to apply and go five years back
- Count all days in those five years that you were in Canada before Permanent Residency. Call that A. If A is more than 730, then set A=730.
- Count all days in those five years that you were in Canada as a Permanent Resident. Call that B.
- Calculate X = A/2+B
- If X is more than 1095, you are eligible.
Please understand that I can't be the "personal calculator" for every forum member

I'm sure you can do the math!
Regarding police certificates: I can still not answer that question because, again it is NOT relevant how long you were out of Canada. It is relevant WHERE you went and for how long. You are not providing that information.