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Change of Temporary Res Status


Nov 25, 2009

I have been working in Canada on a 6 month temporary work permit and it is soon to expire. I applied to stay as a visitor for an extra two weeks as I will have already paid through november and do not plan to work after my permit expires. Im from the US and the last time I crossed into here the border guard told me that it often takes a long time for the status change application to process but that if I have applied to stay as a visitor before the work visa expires than its fine. Also the application said that if my work visa had not expired than I was fine to apply for a status change rather than a status "restoration".
Anyway, my work visa is going to expire soon and I dont know if I will receive my status change approval before this time. Is it true that as long as I have applied (and have sufficient funds to live for 2 weeks) than I shouldnt worry? I dont want to be accused of overstaying my visa. What should I tell the US border if this status change doesnt come before I plan to leave?



VIP Member
Jul 27, 2009
You are on implied status till you receive the response from CPC-V. Keep a copy of the receipt of payment, and make sure that your app package was received.

chrispy179 said:

I have been working in Canada on a 6 month temporary work permit and it is soon to expire. I applied to stay as a visitor for an extra two weeks as I will have already paid through november and do not plan to work after my permit expires. Im from the US and the last time I crossed into here the border guard told me that it often takes a long time for the status change application to process but that if I have applied to stay as a visitor before the work visa expires than its fine. Also the application said that if my work visa had not expired than I was fine to apply for a status change rather than a status "restoration".
Anyway, my work visa is going to expire soon and I dont know if I will receive my status change approval before this time. Is it true that as long as I have applied (and have sufficient funds to live for 2 weeks) than I shouldnt worry? I dont want to be accused of overstaying my visa. What should I tell the US border if this status change doesnt come before I plan to leave?



Nov 25, 2009
I submitted the application online and it says it was transmitted. So implied status means that it is implied that the application is accepted? What if somehow it gets rejected?


VIP Member
Jul 27, 2009
It means that you continue the status you have been granted with (temporary resident status) when you entered Canada but in your case, your WP expiring you continue to be a visitor until you receive a response from CPC-V, either a VR or a letter of refusal.

chrispy179 said:
I submitted the application online and it says it was transmitted. So implied status means that it is implied that the application is accepted? What if somehow it gets rejected?


Nov 25, 2009

I have not yet received a response from CPC-v and I am planning to leave in 6 days. Will the US border wonder why I appear to have overstayed even though I applied for an extension? Also, the response will be sent to my address in Canada of which i am moving out of. I believe the letter might be a refusal letter because I forgot to send photocopies of my passport stamps. Although the extension was only 2 weeks. What if I never get their response letter? Will the Canadian border ask for my VR that Im supposed to receive the next time I try to visit? What should I do?



Star Member
Oct 27, 2010
I don't think the US border guards would care if you overstayed your visit in Canada. Also if your visitor extension is only for two weeks, it shouldn't really matter if you never receive it or not, as you are leaving, and probably the next time you came to visit Canada it would have expired already anyways.